One side first love feaver,

Chapter 27


I arrived at the venue dressed in my suit, the house buzzing with noise from both of our families. She walked out dressed elegantly…nothing new. Her face shone, and the lighting in that room made her look more than just beautiful.

Unfortunately, I still stood there emotionless hoping that she would change her mind and that I would be having Elizah walk up to me instead. I lit my cigarette as I thought of her. Trying to use it to get rid of my pain. We had the ceremony and handed each other the rings, Saleema was now my official finance.

Elizah was stuck in a corner with the rest of our friends, they eventually came over to take a few pictures with us both before digging through the savouries.

"Your mind has been everywhere since the night began, I know you love Elizah…but I deserve a chance to be looked at as well," she said whispering into my ear

"I'm sorry, I won't move my eyes away from you again."

There's a saying that the heart will love who it wants…since I've decided to give myself a chance to fall for someone else, I should at least put in some effort.

"You look beautiful as always," I said smiling

She blushed pushing her hair backwards revealing her neck to me. I know how insane Saleema drove most men, but to me, she was just Saleema, and as the night went on I questioned how she still managed to be around Elizah and pretend like everything was okay. When clearly it was a not.

And after out engagement party we got into our first fight as a couple because she caught me staring at Elizah again. But I wasn't. I was staring at Omar, who to me was the luckiest man alive. I bet everyone at our party thought that about me, because saleema was so saught after.


~A month ago~

"Can you get off your phone for a second and come look at some chair covers with me, "she asked a little upset as she walked over to me grabbing my phone, "why do you have so many pictures of Elizah?"

"We`re best friends, you have pictures too…" I said trying to cover up.

"Zamin…if you start our marriage based on a lie or rebound…then you're not being fair to me or yourself."

"I'm in love with Elizah…"

"I know," she said taking a seat in front of me, "I waited for you to confess to her for years but life happened."

"How did you know?" I ask confused

"I have been in love with you for over a decade, would you expect me not to notice? I somehow did get my duaas answered…"

"Why are you hurting yourself like this?"

"Not all love stories have happy beginings…maybe this will be my way of getting over you."

"Don't you hate me for using you to get over her?"

"Don't you hate me for not allowing you to fall for her?" She said standing, "Even now…" she said going back to her planning.

Speak about a hidden psychopath, at least after speaking to her about it, I felt a little better knowing that I had nothing to hide. So while I watched my cellphone replaying old videos thinking of the one I loved, I was stuck battling against my own heart…I did not know what I was doing.

But if this was my destiny and if this is what was meant for me... all I know is that all my prayers of having someone love me as much as I love them won't be in vain. Saleema is actually a lot different than she pretends to be around everyone…I fear that this newly discovered intelligence of hers.


"Thank you for trying your best tonight," she said

"It's the least I could do," I said watching her leave with Elizah…why does she hide so much away from her. Is she even being a genuine friend towards her…that would be sad considering the number of years they've known each other for.

"Does she know?" Owais asked as he held my shoulder

"You startled me…yes she knows."

"Why did she agree then."

"One-sided first love fever."

"I hope you know what you're doing, it's never too late to tell Elizah about how you feel. She will always accept you."

"That's the problem. She doesn't know if she's in love with me or amazed by me being nice to her. Omar gets her…I support him."

"If you say so…" he said stuffing a cupcake into his mouth.

For a guy who always had something sugary or fattening in his mouth, he was very fit. Something wasn't right about how Saleema behaved. It's time we expose the timid lady.

The engagement ceremony was over and I hardly had a reason to meet up with her. Except for family gatherings and pretend dates, after listening to Omar tell me that I did have hope I questioned if I still wanted to continue this façade.

"Why did you want to see me today?

"When is Saleema coming over?"

"In a while…" I said passing the menu to her, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure shoot, let's get the milky tea I heard it's really good."

"Order whatever you want…have you ever had any feelings for me before?" I asked looking towards her


"Have you ever liked me?"

"I guess since you're a soon-to-be married man it would be good for me to come clean. I had a little crush on you when we were in high school and the beginning of university."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because even if I liked you, Saleema liked you even more and you liked her."

" I never…"

"You never what?" Saleema asked as she took a seat next to me, "Carry on?"

"We were talking about tennis."

"Just clearing some air, that was the best engagement with party of the century …and your order is here I have to leave for class now," Elizah as she got up

"Why would you confess to her while we are about to get married…"

"If I officially get rejected by her I'll be able to move on."

"She likes Omar, I'm just trying to help you," she said leaving the cafe as well.