
Chapter 59 


The days passed in a gentle rhythm, filled with quiet moments and shared laughter. After returning from our honeymoon, Omar and I settled into a routine that brought a sense of peace and contentment. However, amidst the tranquility, Zamin's impending marriage to my sister continued to weigh heavily on my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that his decision might not be rooted in genuine love.

Omar's words about allowing Zamin to make his own choices echoed in my thoughts. Perhaps it was time for me to trust that people would find their paths, even if those paths diverged from what I would have chosen for them.

One evening, as we sat by the lake, feeding the ducks, Omar mentioned casually, "I think I'm going to skip the interview next week; I'm not up to it."

His vulnerability touched me deeply. "Omar, what was your mother like?"