
Chapter 51

I woke up terrified. Last night, I dreamt of a divorce paper and both of my and Omar's rings fell to the ground.

"It's too early to wake up go back to bed," he said, covering me with our sheets.

I usually ignore these types of dreams but after each incident has occurred after such dreams I needed to be on the lookout for us.

"I'm going to make breakfast," I said, trying to slip away

He pulled me closer to him, "We'll get it delivered, you need sleep."

I smiled to myself, thinking...of how clingy behaviour is good sometimes. How it was so rare to see Omar cling on to me, asking for me to stay.

I realized how precious this human being was to me. He brought me plenty of happiness and cured my loneliness, and I was sure that he loved me just as much as I loved him…That our eyes saw the dances our souls performed for one another in each other's company. That our hearts tingled at every form of physical touch.