Diamond ring

Chapter 56

Omar watched from the door while I approached Zamin. I wasn't sure if I had made the correct choice by coming over for a visit, but if there was one thing about Saleema, I'll always believe it was her judgement about Zamin. No one knew him the way she did. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked, pulling his arms back after realizing that he couldn't hold me. 

Skinny, burned out and tired. It broke my heart into millions of pieces seeing him like that, the light he possessed was gone along with his beautiful genuine smile, the muscles around him...all gone. 

"it's time we bury the hatchet," I said, bringing over food, "we don't have to ruin our relationship over a confession." 

He slurped on the bottle of water, trying to hide his tears away, as I passed him a tissue, pretending not to see.