World Noble

"HA!" I said as I kicked towards my sparring partner.

My mother dodged the kick and counterattacked with a roundhouse, hitting me in on the side and knocking me into the wall.

"I think that's enough starring for today honey." My mother said.

"Alright, I'm going to the forest again mom." I said as I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Okay! Don't go too far and make sure to be back before nightfall." My mother said.

It's been around 6 years since I got my tattoo and my training has progressed a lot, I can feel my observation haki budding, and my armament haki is coming along. I can harden my legs for around a minute, and the color isn't as seen in the anime. My haki started off a light grey, and wasn't very strong. That only means I need to train more, hence why I'm going into the forest to fight beast.

Being 13 feet at 11 is a big flex in my opinion anyways, I closed my eyes to sense my surroundings with my meager observation haki. I felt something looking at me from a distance, I opened my eyes and darted towards its location. The tiger-bear mix jumped from the bushes and swiped its sword-length claws at me. I jumped to the right, spun around, and kicked its ribs with a right kick. The beast was knocked into a tree, but rebounded and lunged again. I jumped up, hardened my legs with haki, and kicked the beast in its face. Before it could get up again I snapped its neck with a high roundhouse kick.

'I should try closing my eyes to see if I can progress in observation haki faster.'




Meanwhile, a large ship with a sail donning the World Government emblem, and a large golden animal as the figurehead was sailing towards the longleg tribe island.

"When are we going to reach that filthy commoner island?" An obese man in a white suit adorned with golden knobs and a bubble over his head, said while sitting on a slave.

"We have around 3 hours left, Your Greatness." The navigator said while bowing so hard his head touched the floor.

"Make it 1-hour or your wife will be sold to a brothel." The obese man said.

"Yes!" The navigator said as he barked out orders.




I dodged another punch of a giant grey-furred ape.

'Training with my eyes closed is a lot more efficient than I tho-' I was cut out of my thoughts because the ape landed a hit on me.

I flew back a little and opened my eyes in annoyance. This ape was going to learn today. I dashed forward, jumped off of my right leg, spun, and kicked the ape with a midair high roundhouse kick to the head. I felt its skull crunch right under my barefoot.

"I guess that's enough observation training, that punch hurt."

Pain is nothing, I need to protect my family. One piece is not a world of sunshine and rainbows. I walked deeper into the forest and jumped back right before I got hit.

'What the fuck!?' I close my eyes and focused.

'There!' I ducked another strike and roller backwards.

'This bastard is tricky, I can sense it with observation haki but I can't see it.' I focused again while hardening my legs.

It went for another blow, I tilted my head left and crescent kicked forward. I hit something and heard a whine, a ran forward, spun on my heel, and kicked out again. I hit the beast again and I heard crash against something.

'Let's test this move on this beast, shall we?'

I ran fast enough for me to blur, the knock of soru I use comes in handy. I appeared in front of the beast and kicked it so fast my leg blurred.

"Iron whip!" I hit the beast and it split in half.

Yes, the beast split in half now I have blood on my legs. I looked at the corpse and it resembled a panther except it was a lot bigger.

'This is a good time to return home it's getting dark.' I walked away leisurely while picking flowers and herbs for my mother.

As I arrived at the edge of the forest I heard three loud gunshots. Knowing no one in the village is dishonorable enough to use guns in a duel, I ran towards the village. What I saw that day will forever haunt me. I saw my mother, father, and the village chief piled on top of each other dead.

"Another peasant dares to not bow before my greatness!?" The World Noble said but I wasn't paying attention.

I stopped in front of my parent's bodies and felt something snap. A feeling of despair grew inside of my chest and I let it out. The noisy World Noble stopped, the tribesmen's murmurs stopped, everything went silent. I kneeled in front of my parent's bodies and wailed. I looked over to their murderer and found him knocked out, I walked over to his body and stepped. I stepped until his body was nothing but a puddle of human waste.

"SCUM!! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!" I screamed as I stepped on his worthless body.

"This world's justice is fickle! All it brings is a cycle of pain and hatred! The so-called justice of this world caused me to lose everything! will know pain. My pain! MY WRATH! I WILL MAKE THIS WORLD CRUMBLE! ITS SO-CALLED JUSTICE WILL FALL AT MY FEET! IN MY PURSUIT OF POWER NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY! DESPAIR WILL BE THE ONLY THING THIS WORLD WILL KNOW!!"