Commander-in-Chief Kong

After Zora dropped off Fisher and the Boa sisters, she flew back to Mary Geoise for another experiment, and the Nobles and freed slaves were the perfect test subjects. When she was above Mary Geoise, she charged lightning in her mouth and fired it upon the inhabitants of Mary Geoise.

"KAMINARI!" The beam of concentrated lightning, rained terror upon Mary Geoise. Many World Nobles and slaves were vaporized as the beam touched them, the buildings were also reduced to dust.

Zora opened her mouth again to test a new attack but felt a wave of Conquerors Haki wash over her. She turned her head and saw a muscular, tan, blonde-haired man with his arms crossed expelling his Haki. She grinned widely and released her own Conquerors Haki laced with Devourer Haki. Kong's blue Conquerors Haki clashed with her purple. A large shockwave was created and flashes of Haki lightning destroyed the already decimated surroundings. They both stopped using Conquerors Haki and Kong got ready to attack.

Zora returned to her normal state and held her hand out. Masamune's red runic engravings shined brightly and Masamune began to rise. She flew into Zora's hand and they got ready for a hard battle.

"This guy isn't some simple captain, he's the first obstacle we'll have to face Masamune." Zora said keeping the smile on her face.

'Those who stand in our way shall be cut down!' Masamune said with great enthusiasm.

"You're right! Here he comes!" Zora said as she unsheathed Masamune and hardened her arm and Masamune with Haki. Kong leaped from his position and struck her with a Haki hardened fist. Zora blocked with Masamune but was launched into a nearby building anyway.

"He hits hard!" Zora said as she covered herself in lightning.

"Godspeed!" Zora disappeared from her previous position and Kong's eyes flashed red before he tilted his head left, dodging a kick from Zora. She launched a series of fast kicks but they were dodged or deflected by Kong with ease.

"Is that all you got, Zora the Beast?" Kong said as he mocked Zora. Zora gritted her teeth and slashed at Kong with a lightning-coated Masamune. Kong dodged every single strike. He caught the final slash and punched her in the gut with a Haki-coated fist.

"GUH!" Zora coughed out blood and was temporarily dazed.

"You dare attack Mary Geoise with this mere amount of strength!? You are truly pathetic, I will show you strength in the name of Justice!!" Kong said as she punched Zora and she crashed through 5 buildings.

Mary Geoise experienced its second storm in history but it was a lot more volatile and destructive.

"Hoh? The little snake mad?" Kong said with immense mockery.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Zora bursted the building she crashed into, and flew towards Kong completely covered in purplish-black lightning. Zora coated Masamune in Devourers Haki and swung at Kong. Kong hardened his fist and punched towards Zora. Their attacks collided and created a spiderweb crack in the ground and pushed the air outwards from their position. Kong having the stronger Haki, won the clash, and Zora was launched back but flipped and landed on her feet. She got into a stance and prepared an attack, Kong watched with interest.

"One sword style: Cleaving Claw!" Zora swung Masamune upwards and released a compressed air slash imbued with Haki. It flew towards Kong's stationary figure with great speed, when it reached Kong he held out his hand and grabbed it.

"What!?" Zora was blown away at the thought of grabbing her attack. Kong closed his fist and dispersed the air slash with ease.

"You are nothing in the face of Justice and power. Prepare to die Zora the Beast!!" Kong said as he began to get serious. Zora covered herself in lightning and Devourers Haki, she also transformed into her half-beast state to give herself a much-needed boost.

Kong covered his arm in Haki and a blue wave of spiritual energy surrounded his fist, Zora's eyes opened in shock as she knew that technique.

"Ryuo! That's really bad!" Zora said as she prepared for Kong's punch. Kong punched towards Zora and was met with Masamune, causing another large shockwave encompassing Mary Geoise in more destruction. Zora was thrown back and crashed into many buildings, Kong didn't stop his assault appeared above the building she crashed in.

"FIST OF JUDGEMENT!!" Kong said as he Haki was shot towards the building causing the building to explode and Zora to be injured.

"Damn it! Why isn't my Devour Physique kicking it!?" Zora said as she held her injured arm.

'Kong's spiritual energy is far above your own, you cannot consume such an amount.' Masamune said.

"Fuck!" Zora said as she jumped backward dodging Kong's slam attack. Her eyes flashed red as she predicted the future but was met with Kong's Haki-covered fist.

"KAH!!" Zora yelled out as she was hit directly in the face, she flew into many buildings and eventually stopped at a large mansion. Zora laid in the rubble seriously injured and furious at her own weakness.

"Justice and Power are everything in this world, you have fallen due to my profound insight in Justice. Zora the Beast, I hereby sentence you to death!!" Kong said as he raised his fist and brought it down upon Zora's body.

'I can't! Not like this! I WON'T BE DEFEATED!!' Zora's sheer willpower caused her to catch Kong's fist with a shaky arm.

"What!?" Kong said with shock.

"I.Will.Not.LOSE!!" Zora said as her Conquerors Haki rose to a new level causing the wind to blow out and a shockwave to be created. Kong took a step back in shock, moments later he recovered and got back into a battle stance.

"You may have caught my fist but it won't happen again!!" Kong said as he and Zora clashed fists, making the ground under them spiderweb and raise the rocks from the ground. Zora roundhouse kicked Kong into a building and followed with an axe kick aimed at his head. Kong dodged the axe kick and fired back with his own Haki-coated punch, sending Zora away. Zora flipped in midair and landed on her feet. Her eyes flashed red and she dodged Kong's punch and kicked him in the ribs, he moved a single step and punched Zora in the face. Zora was sent into a building and Kong followed up by slamming her face into the ground making the ground shake and causing rocks to fly up and be sent away by the sheer force of his slam.

He picked Zora up by the skull and threw her into a building. Zora emerged from the building once again covered in lightning. Zora and Kong disappeared from their positions and reappeared clashing fists, this repeated over and over all around Mary Geoise.

"Fist of Power!!" Kong said as he punched Zora into Pangea Castle. Zora flew into the castle and stopped herself with her tail. She charged lightning into her arms and legs and they began turning purple. She vanished from her position with a sonic boom and reappeared above Kong with a clap.

"Thunder Technique: CLAP OF THE THUNDER GOD!!" Zora did a lightning-speed axe kick aimed at Kong's head. Kong looked up but it was too late and he was sent into the ground and a loud clap was heard as the kick met its target. A large explosion could be heard throughout Mary Geoise and a large dust cloud was also visible.

"Haaa....Haaa....Haaa..." Zora panted as she held her left arm she looked down at the hole Kong was in and her eyes flashed red. Kong bursted from the hole with blood dripping from his head.

"Hahaha! You are the first and last person to make me use my devil fruit! Just for that, when I finish you I will make sure your name is known!" Kong said as he began to be covered in rocks.

"Devil Fruit!?" Zora looked at the rock-covered Kong in shock.

"Yes, my devil fruit is the Logia type fruit, Tsuchi Tsuchi no mi!" Kong said as he was done transforming, his transformation was a giant earth golem.

"This just got a lot harder!" Zora said as she transformed into her Hydra form.

"COME ZORA THE BEAST!!" Kong said with exhilaration.

"KAMINARI!" Zora said as she shot a beam of purple lightning towards Kong. He stepped on the ground and a giant wall of earth completely blocked her attack. Zora flew towards Kong and slashed at him with her talons, his earth armor tanked every attack and he punched her giant Hydra body into the air. Zora recovered from the punch and was met with many spears of earth flying in her direction. She covered her talons in Haki and charged them with lightning.

"Hydra Technique: Wind of the Raging Storm!" She swiped her talons and 8 purple air slashes covered in lightning, flew towards Kong. Kong crossed his arms and attempted to tank the attack. He tanked the first 4 but was cut by the other 4 and took a half step back. Zora destroyed the earth spears and flew towards Kong, she opened her mouth and bit down. Kong's earth armor began to crack and he covered his golem with Haki and punched Zora into the ground. Zora rose from the ground and ran her Haki-covered talons across his earth armor, creating a large gash that was already healed.

"Shit!" Zora said as she was punched away by Kong. Kong's golem created a giant earth sword and covered it with Haki. Kong got into a stance and Zora felt an incredible amount of danger.

"Tsuchi Tsuchi no mi: EARTH WAVE!" Kong swung the earth sword upwards and a giant wave of rock and sand flew towards Zora who was charging her own attack.

"KAMINARI!" The beam of lightning and wave of earth collided creating another huge shockwave. Zora was flown back into Pangea Castle and reverted to her normal state.

"Haaa...Haaa...Haaa...This guy is way too strong!" Zora panted out. She looked out and saw Kong in his normal state as well, he also looked tired albeit way less than Zora does. Zora jumped out of Pangea Castle and walked towards Kong. They made eye contact and Zora began walking back to her ship.

"Next time we meet it won't be the same." Zora said with resolution.

"Next time we meet I'll show you Justice!" Kong said as he retreated back the destroyed Pangea Castle.

"Heh, next time." Zora said as she picked up Masamune and limped back to her ship.