New Bounty.

After the girls had a heartwarming moment, they decided to go look for Fisher in the Fishman District. In the merfolk district, the looks of hatred were very little, and most of them greeted them with smiles. As they walked towards the Fishman District the looks of hatred skyrocketed. Merfolk and Fishman could be seen together hanging around alleyways and doing various questionable, actions.

"Onee-chan, I don't like this place." Marigold said as she held onto Hancock's hand.

"Neither do I, but Fisher is the best navigator we have." Hancock said as she gripped her new sword.

"She's right, we need Fisher. My navigating skills aren't the best, hehe!" Zora laughed trying to lighten up the mood. The Boa sisters giggled a little before the atmosphere turned gloomy.

"Where the hell are going anyway? How are we supposed to look for a guy if we don't know his location?" Sandersonia pointed out.

"Well, it's not like we can just ask right? I mean look at them, they hate us. They'll probably say something witty or make some outrageous demands." Zora said as pointed to some Fishmen who were looking at them with scorn.

"Then how are going to find him?" Hancock asked. Zora pounded her fists together and smiled.

"We beat it out of them!" Zora said as she was about to punch a Fishman to oblivion. The girls seemed to agree with Zora and they began fighting their way to find Fisher.

"We're looking for Fisher Tiger, have you seen him?" Zora asked and this is usually how they started before beating them half to death.

"I'll tell you if you let me have a taste of that one." The Fishman pointed at Marigold. Zora, Sandersonia, and Hancock all felt a searing rage burn within them. This entire time, they didn't kill any Fishmen they beat, this guy was an exception. Zora placed her hand on Masamune but was beat by Marigold herself who cut the man down.

"That's rude!" Marigold said to the dead man as she sheathed Jryphon.

"Good job, Marigold!" Zora said as she picked Marigold up in a big hug.

"Hehehe." Marigold blushed at being praised.




After Marigold cut down the Fishman, the girls continued on with their search for Fisher. One Fishman eventually told them where he was and they found his location. A large dojo named 'Fishman Karate Dojo' very original.

They walked in and found Fisher training the younger generation of Fishmen and Merfolk.

"Faster! How are you going to protect yourself if you attack so slow!" Fisher said with a stern tone.

"Mr.Fisher!" Marigold yelled as she ran up and hugged Fisher's legs.

"Huh? Oh hello there, Marigold!" Fisher said as he pats Marigold's head.

"What're you doing here?" Fisher asked Zora.

"I was wondering if, you would um, joinmycrewyoudonthavetoitsfineiwilljustleave!" Zora blurted out really fast.

"What was that?" Fisher asked as he chuckled.

"She basically asked if you will join our crew." Hancock translated.

"Yeah! Please!!" Zora pleaded hoping they'll get a navigator.

"Heh, yeah sure! You saved my life so it's only fair to join you right?" Fisher said with a smile and Zora jumped out in joy.

"We're leaving tonight! I hope you'll be ready, bye!" Zora said as she ran out the door.

"Oi, wait!" Hancock said as she chased her and her sisters followed.




[A few hours later]

Fisher was a tad bit late because he had to find a shop that sold New World Log Poses.

"Alright! Our first time as a crew!" Zora said with excitement as they exited Fishman Island.

'Hais, why are you so excited? You could have made a crew earlier.' Masamune questioned.

"Shush! Let me enjoy the moment!" Zora said as they finally reached the surface. The moon lit up the night sky and reflected off of the ocean.

"So beautiful!" Marigold said with stars in her eyes.

"Yeah!" Sandersonia said with a smile.

"Where is the needle pointing to Fisher?" Hancock asked Fisher who was steering the wheel.

"North, I say we'll be at the next island in a week if the weather permits." Fisher said with a slight shiver.

"What's so bad about the weather?" Sandersonia questioned.

"If you thought the weather in Paradise was bad, it only gets worse in the New World. Storms of lightning can turn into blizzards within moments. Blizzards can turn into devastating heatwaves and the list goes on." Fisher said.

"Wow! That's so cool!" Marigold exclaimed.

"Yeah, until you're in it." Fisher said under his breath.

"Get ready guys, we have company!" Zora said as she looked in the distance.

"What do you see Zora?" Marigold asked as she unsheathed Jryphon.

"Marines. It seems like that fleet was waiting on the other side." Zora said as lightning crackled around her body.

"Marines attack at night?" Sandersonia questioned as she spun Toru around.

"Yeah I guess they do." Hancock remarked as she untreated Genshi.

"I do love beating Marines!" Fisher said as he hardened his fists with Haki and pounded them together.

A Marine fleet of 20 battleships were stationed in front of the One Hundred Hydra's path. The biggest battleship had a Vice Admiral while the rest had Rear Admirals, Commodores, Colonels, and Captains.

"Marigold you stay with Fisher on the boat, don't want you getting hurt your sisters would have my head haha!" Zora said and Marigold pouted.

"But I wanna fight!" Marigold said with a pout.

"You can deflect the cannonballs! You don't want the ship to get hurt right?" Hancock said as she tried to coerce her sister.

"No! I will defend the ship!" Marigold said with concern towards the boat.

"Alright then! Hancock, Sandersonia! You guys get the other battleships, I got the middle one!" Zora said as she vanished from her position.

"Hais, alright then! Let's kick some ass Sandersonia!" Hancock exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Sandersonia said with excitement.




Zora appeared on the biggest battleship with a loud thunderclap. The Marines on the boat were shocked at her sudden appearance but then started to attack. Zora got into a stance and placed her hand on Masamune.

"One Sword Style: Hydra's Clap!" Zora and Masamune were covered in lightning as they made a zigzag between the Marines before stopping as Zora sheathed Masamune. A thunderclap echoed as Zora sheathed Masamune and many of the Marines lost their lives with the survivors having lost a limb or two.

"Is this really the might of the Marines? No wonder you guys can't take down the Yonko's!" Zora said with disdain. The surviving Marines were going to attack again before hearing their Vice Admiral's voice.

"Enough! You guys are no match for her." The Vice-Admiral said as he walked onto the deck.

"And who are you?" Zora questioned as she never saw this Vice-Admiral in the anime.

"I am Vice Admiral Titan! You must be Zora the Beast, I heard you fought our Commander in Chief and lost." Titan said trying to push Zora's buttons.

"I may have lost but I put up a good fight! I won't lose to him again! As for you, your life ends tonight." Zora said as she unsheathed Masamune and reappeared in front of Titan. Titan crossed his arms and hardened them with Haki. Zora swung upwards, sending Titan into the cabin.

Titan bursted from the cabin and brought his fist down upon Zora.

"ORA!" Titan said as his fists met with Masamune's black blade. Zora slid across the deck but stopped herself by stabbing Masamune into the deck.

"Godspeed!" Zora covered herself in lightning and disappeared once again. Titan's eyes flashed red and he dodged Zora's blade by a hair. A thin line of blood leaked from his cheek.

"Heh!" Titan puffed as he punched towards Zora again. She dodged left and kicked his gut but his right hand caught her leg and he threw her into the mast.

"Damn it!" Zora cursed as she exited from the mast. Zora imbued Haki into Masamune and coated her arms with Haki as she ran towards Titan. They both attacked and the attacks collided, making the ship rock, a shockwave to be created, the waves to turn violent, and a strong gust of wind blowing outwards. Zora surprisingly, had the stronger Haki and cut Titan's chest. She kicked him into the rails to do further damage.

"Cough! Seems I'm a bit too old, this new generation is catching up." Titan said as he coughed up blood while getting up. Titan covered his arms with Haki and charged towards Zora. Zora coated herself and Masamune in Devourer's Haki and met with Titan. She ducked under his punch and hit his ribs with Masamune's handle.

"KAH!" Titan felt something break and Zora kicked him into the mast and finished it with Masamune sticking from the location of his heart.

"Farewell." Zora said as Titan started to shrivel up and she felt her Haki grow stronger. Zora looked at the other boats and found them devoid of Marines and utterly destroyed.

"Jeez, I was seriously underestimating them." Zora said with shock.

'I'm shocked as well. How could they have grown so strong if they were in captivity?' Masamune said.

"Genetics maybe?" Zora said with confusion, and she reappeared back onto the One Hundred Hydra to an angry Marigold.

"There were no cannonballs! You and Onee-chan lied to me!" Marigold said as she crossed her arms and looked at Zora with anger.

Zora thought it was cute and just patted her head.

"You can fight me then! Will that make you happy?" Zora asked Marigold.

"Yeah!" Marigold's mood flipped and she smiled with joy. It was around this time Sandersonia and Hancock returned to the ship.

"You guys had fun?" Zora asked.

"Yeah! Toru is the best weapon!" Sandersonia said as she hugged her trident tightly.

"I thought Marines on this side of the Grandline would be stronger." Hancock said with disappointment.

"Yeah I did as well." Zora said and Fisher began sailing the ship once again.




[One day later]

A news coo flew above the One Hundred Hydra and dropped the newspaper. Zora picked it up and went straight to the bounties.

"Guys come look!" Zora yelled and the crew came to look at the bounties.

[Zora the Beast

1,200,000,000 Berries


[Silent Wind, Hancock

80,000,000 Berries

Dead or Alive]

[Hole Puncher, Sandersonia

72,000,000 Berries

Dead or Alive]

[The Adventurer, Fisher

90,000,000 Berries

Dead or Alive]

[Marigold The Innocent

10,000,000 Berries


"Hey! Why is mine so low!?" Marigold pouted.

The crew laughed and they continued sailing to their next island.