Chapter 3

Once I finally made it home I was almost out of breathe from running the whole way home I was tired and confused so I went to the fridge to get some water to cool down since bing on the middle or summer it's very hot and running does not go well in this condition not in my case anyway.

as I was finally calming down I went to sit on the couch and think ,"what was that feeling? who was that man? And why is this happening today of all times," knowing my heat was around the corner and that this happened is not a good sigh but then again maybe I finally found an alpha who can satisfy me during my heat who know

As I try to stop thinking about that man and my body weird reaction to him I decide to watch a bit of tv to cool my head and what better show to watch than the golden girls I know it's and old classic but still good who doesn't love old women doing there thing and being all gossip ,"hint the sarcasm," but any way as it got later I realized I did have a project I had to finish for my class the next day so I turned of the tv and went to my room and sat at my desk and started on that for now

half way thought it thought I got a call from my best friend Justin who is a beta ," hey Justin wassup why the late night call ," I asked and for this idiot to respond with gibberish which in turn tell me he is somewhere drunk so I knew I was fin to have to come pick home up from wherever he was but problem was I didn't know were that is so only option left is to ask ," Justin we're are you right now so I can come get you,"m

thankfully he wasn't speaking gibberish this time and I got my answer which was ," in the ally by the music store on the whole damn other side of time which is about an hour drive from here which was not ok but me being the good person I am ,"once again sarcasm," so I tell him I will be there shortly to get him and not to get in to much trouble.

Once I finally arrive now the issue is we're the fuck in this huge ass crowd to I find him and thankfully after twenty minutes of searching I find but the is a problem he is surrounded by not three but for big stalky alphas which is strange but now that I look around I see alphas,betas as well as some omegas but the thing is this is a service bar damn him for having me come here is what I'm thinking in my head the entire way over to him

he will pay me back for this bullshit once he is back sober but I am suddenly stoped when I feel someone grab my hand and the the sudden release of one of the alphas pheromones and as this all happens at once and the only thing I can see before I pass out is the face of the man from the calf that I saw earlier on that morning.