Chapter 6

After almost reaching the bottom of the stairs he finally turn his head to me and nodes his head as to say that he knows I'm the but since I have took my medicine I am now hungry yes I figured that I have not seen my phone since I woke up but right now I am more worried about if he will stave me to death so I go up and softly and not to loud voice since he is currently on the phone

I don't really want to disrupt him and ask ," we're is your kitchen I would like to cook something to eat please ," he looks at me surprised I don't know if its because of the way I said it of the fact that ask about food all of a sudden as soon as I came down but either way he slowly pointed me the way to we're the kitchen was located .

Once I finally got in the firmest thing I do is look in the fridge to see what he has that Looks good enough to cook or that fits my taste buds thankfully I ground some eggs sausage bacon and some pancake mix so I eagerly take out all the ingredients and then look through the cabinets to get the right seasoning I know y'all looking at me like I have made myself so comfortable in this mans house but look I to think of myself first before others so excuse me ok but after twenty or so minutes I finally finish our breakfast

Yes I said our mean I'm not that I'll manned since I am cooking some else's food in there house and kitchen I should at least cook them some as well, while I was setting out the plates he was entering the kitchen so at least that saved me from having to go and get him

as I am sitting down so is he and I look at him and say ," I hope you don't mind but that I am here but I will pay you back someway in the future for this and the food and clothes that you have given me ," and for once instead of nodding or just giving me a look he says ," my name is Damian and you do not need to pay me back for any thing and your car is parked in the garage and I do not know what happened to you friend from last night,"

so I just thank him and start to eat my food and for the rest of our breakfast we are silent then I remember I was supposed to have class today and that I had to finish my project so I finish shot back up the stairs carful not to fall get to his room search for my phone and when I finally find it and check the time I realize I still have 30 minutes until I have to be there I I gather all my stuff and as I am turning around to leave he is standing there staring at me.