Chapter 8

After getting in the car we take off towards my house with me giving him the direction so we could could get there faster after we get there I tell him to stay in the and I'll be out with twenty minutes left I rush into the house up to my room and change into my school shirt yes I know but still I grab my project and homework off the table and stuff it in my back pack so that I would have it for later of course and did a quick fix in the mirror and rushed back down stairs I'm so happy I ate already or this would be a mess

reaching the door I walk out to see him looking around but knowing I have little time and not wanting him to get to familiar with my home surrounding I rush toward him and say " that's enough looking around time to go I don't want to be late again " and get back into the car as to show him I'm serious I give him the look to tell him I'm ready he shrugs at me and goes to get into his side I sigh in relief

I didn't have to tell him which school cause why I'm can only guess that he saw my school logos name and already knew I mean it is one of the persteage colleges in the country and is well know I was one of the lucky who got accepted even though I'm not from a high standing family which I'm am happy about but that also means I have to work harder than my classmates

Knowing I know have five minutes I hurriedly get out of the car but turn back to look at him and say " thank you Damian for last night and this morning " and turn to rush in after closing the door of his car but half way there I hear him yell that he will pick me up after school and not to forget and drives off but me in a hurry paid no much head to his word cause what man in his right mind would believe that

So I rush through the halls and up the stairs to my class room so that I can make it on time so I hurry to my seat and sit down and catch my breath cause I'm no athlete never have been and never will be and never have thought about it having An omega body is not easy but so is life I can't do much about it well I can but again to lazy to try but just before I could get to into my thought to much the teacher mrs. channel walks in and starts the class for the day and we all start taking notes.

Other than the morning everything has been normal since I got to school except the occasional stares which is weird considering I'm usually ignored by most people then it hits me that I still have on the pants he gave me and that I did sleep in his bed and he is an alpha and a damn good looking one if I do say so but the more I think about it the more I start to blush cause I realize the reason they are looking at me like that

Is because I smell like him and I was in his car this morning and I probably smell like him which means I smell like alpha pheromones o god but just as I was getting ready to leave school I see him in the parking lot next to the gate waiting for me looking smoking hot in a black suit that I don't remember him putting on must have done it after dropping me off I guess shiny slick back hair and mmm just looks a good wait did I really just

We not talking about it so I shake my head and start walking closer only to see many of the girls surrounding him well I don't blame them I would to but there is a part of me that does not like this and is a little jealous but o shake off that feeling and continue walking

Once I'm finally close enough he notices me and starts walking towards me oh lord help my heart cause I feel so shy thinking of many things I should not be thinking of but

We will leave it at that just as I was about to speak he kisses me in front of every one and

I was so surprised I could only respond in time before he pulled back and looks me in the eyes and say " hey babe how was school did you miss me "

me still being in shock did not respond so he laughed he laughed and it was so damn cute and yet so sexy like so unfair .