Chapter 10

After leaving the parking lot and leaving my best friend there to think even though I told him I would tell home later hehe he is such a worry wort but so am I we have been together since young and our family's are really close well my adoptive parents anyway I have been with them for almost all my life so they are my true family not even if we are not related by blood

I slowly come out of my thoughts to see trees and grass land surrounding us which means we are in the country and might I add the city is more than 80 miles from the city how long was I stuck in my thought I look at him and glare trying to be treating to tell him I am not comfortable and am not liking this and he looks at me and see me like this with my muscles taunt and eyes looking around and me slightly looking and glaring at him

he stops the care which makes me more alert and cautious he sighs and shakes his head and says " I am not taking you somewhere to kill you and I will not harm you we are just going to see my parent and not that do not or should not harm or have any intention of hurting you so you don't have to look at me like I am taking to to a slaughter house

Those works do not make me any more reassured that I will be ok in the slighted but I do stain glaring at him and even if they try to harm me I took some defense classes and a could of marshal art moves as well back in my youth and I do carry a nice so I am sure I should be able to escape if needed

I did not tell him this and just looks at him and NDA my head and then I hits me did he just say his parents " wait hold up did you just say your parent we barely even know each other and haven't even been on our first date yet and you want me to meet you parent don't you think that a little to fast?!?!?!" He looks at me and smiles at the way I was not only slightly blushing but as well as a little panicked

I mean I just meet him not even two days ago I mean come on now he wants me to meet his parents and maybe even family like common as I come out of my thoughts i see him putting to car into drive and start he go deeper into the country side and say " I know it's sudden and I know it's not what you would expect but I had got a call from my mother early and she asked and so I told her about you so she would leave me alone about either finding my mate or getting a partner that I can be with until then for reason you will understand later and so when I told her I had found my mate she told me well more like begged and commanded me to bring to to see her " he say with a smile on his face and a slight giggle at the end

which was starting to drive me crazy just hearing it and I accidentally let out some of my pheromones with made him look at me with a lustful look but then after a second he looked away from me and said " unless you want to have sex right here in this car before we even get there or as you said get to know each other better I would advise you to stop releasing your pheromones or I will mark you right here right now"

to be honest with you I was very tempted to know if he would do it but I decided against figuring it out right know because I did not want to show up to his parents house smelling like sex and having them know what just happens moments before so I blush will stopping my pheromones and let's down the window in turn he turns off the air and let's the rest of them down and we enjoy the rest of the ride in peace.