Chapter 10: The Schemer's Time (1)

Several shops were visited by us, and a number of dresses were bought for them... I don't need to buy for myself, I just want to buy them what they want. Girls their age want to try everything new to them and tend to dress up. And I gladly want to fulfill their needs.

"Whoaa~ Lady Nathalie, you look fabulous in that dress! I'll buy it for you." I decided after she was presented by the shop servant.

"But you already bought me sever--" she was stopped by Vega when she came out after her.

"Look Lady Nathalie, we're a match! We look like twins!" Vega excitedly stated that made Nathalie blush

"Yeah. Then we'll get these two." I calmly said and asked Lora what time it was already…

"Almost dinner, five in the afternoon." She answered, then I stood up and got ready to leave.

"Little Ladies, let's go to the temple now, it's almost time." I announced and they both went out without planning to change back to their former dresses.

It's alright, they're still growing. After Lora paid the bills, we went straight to the temple. It's almost night and the road is always lively, street performers are in sight with many spectators, the night market and stalls have many customers. Just like in my original hometown but the air here is fresh.


Temple (church).

The guests were leaving when we got there. I talked to the templar priest to heal Lady Nathalie with his divine powers.

"Where did you get these Lady Nathalie? These burns are severe, if you come a little later I'm afraid these burns will leave a scar, fortunately I can still heal it." The templar priest performed his healing and it took minutes before it's fully healed.

His hands emitted a bright greenish light almost white in color, just by looking at it, anyone can feel the warmth and comfort from it. As expected of the Temple of Life, they worship the God of Life, Asteria.

Amazing! That's the first time I saw real magic in this story! Nathalie's skin was as good as a new born baby's. If only he can also heal the scar in Nathalie's heart, I'll treat him like a God.

"Thank you, Priest Eren. I will repay your help with gratitude someday." Said Nathalie, she can't help but to cry in happiness.

"It's fine, Lady Nathalie. It is an honor to be at your service." Templar Priest Eren bowed.

"Many thanks to the Templar Priest, I promise our Cavelier House will donate more than usual to the temple." I held the hand of both ladies and left the temple.

In this world, Templar Priests can heal anyone with their divine powers aside from physicians who rely on science/organic herbs like normal. There are also people who are gifted with healing magic like Amelia the summoner, her healing is not direct- she summons Divine Beast to do the healing. And Denzelle, who is supposed to have the power of darkness after sacrificing Nathalie, she can forcefully stop the bleeding and growing of disease with her powers. There are also witches who make potions, and the scientists here are called Alchemists who also conduct experiments and potions.

When we are riding the carriage, Vega and Lora start to doze off, while Nathalie is staying still, I have something to talk to her about...

"Lady Nathalie, are you happy?" I softly asked, and she smiled back

"Yes, Lady Tania. It's all thanks to you and Lady Vega, this is all first for me and I want it to last but I can't be greedy, can I?" Happiness took over her face but there's still a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"You can, Lady Nathalie, it is your right. Do not hesitate to come to us if you feel suffocated at your house. If you can't reach me, then I suggest you grab the opportunity to make the Duchess Colombelles adopt you... I know it sounds weird but aside from me, the Duchess has the highest power and chance to save you from the Viscount. It's a pity that my decisions are not my father's decision so I can't tell if he will agree or not, if I choose to take you in our family." I feel uneasy when I think I can't save her from that family, what more if I can't fulfill my promise and goal to change the story.

"Umm... Why the Duchess? I don't think she will accept me, I'm not brave unlike her. I heard she was scary when it comes to fighting, when I'm weak. How can I match up to someone like her?" She was depressed thinking about it, I pulled her close to me and hugged her.

"The Duchess may seem scary, strong and fearless, but I know she longs to have a daughter, she's kind, gentle, brave and strong, she's one of my ideal characters. I know she will accept you… You just need to show her your talent to prove you are deserving to be their daughter, no need to be afraid and just be yourself." I placed my chin on her head, "All I want for you is to always smile and be happy like you showed us today, believe me."

Shortly after that, we arrived at the Renascente House. We bid our goodbyes but before leaving the house, I gave a message to the Viscount and released my most evil aura to intimidate him...

"Lady Nathalie is now officially my sister's friend. My sister wants to assign a personal maid for Lady Nathalie personally picked by her, she noticed it when there was no maid who's willing to accompany the Lady when she was with us. Do you agree Viscount Renascente?" I asked with my devious tone to refrain him from refusing, even the Viscountess and Denzelle trembled at the sight of me.

There's no way to refuse someone like me. Daughter of a Marquess, fiancée of a Prince, and my own powerful intimidation, well… it's maxed level.

"Y-yes, Lady Tania, you can assign whoever you want if it's for my daughter's safety." He has no choice but to agree, sweat was all over his face- he got scared.

"Oh my, I didn't think you would agree, but thank you for trusting us with your daughter's safety, Viscount Renascente and family. We'll send the servant tomorrow for Lady Nathalie, then please sign this with a seal." I gave him three pieces of paper. A contract.

I always prepare contracts when having a deal with someone, a habit I brought from being the CEO of the company. And it can serve as an evidence when something went wrong.

"Lady Tania, I think this is a little excessive…" the Viscount was unsure if he should refuse me directly, wrong move Viscount.

"What is excessive? This is a proper way of negotiating, when there is a person involved- especially their safety. Is there a problem with the conditions or the contract itself?" Then again they trembled when I released my evil aura to its extent. Hah! Feel my unique ability.


The contract conditions are:


1. The maid specially picked by Lady Vega Stella Cavelier will be assigned to Lady Nathalie Renascente as her personal maid.

2. The salary of the maid will be paid by Lady Tania Roa Cavelier, as she is Lady Vega Stella Cavelier's elder sister.

3. The maid named Ricca Retinosa will serve Lady Nathalie Renascente as her master.

4. Ricca Retinosa will have a provided meal, and set of clothes by the Cavelier Family and not the Renascente Family.

5. The only things Renascente Family will provide for the maid is a space to sleep, bed, blankets, snacks and free will to go wherever Lady Nathalie goes inside the house.

6. Lady Nathalie Renascente shall not be harmed when the maid is around. Small bruise included. Except if she was punished by a member of a royal family.

7. Lady Nathalie Renascente shall not be starved when the maid is around. Except if she was punished by a member of a royal family.

8. If someone dares to bully Lady Nathalie Renascente when the maid is around, shall be punished according to the law of harming a noble, regardless of who it is except for a member of a royal family.

9. The maid will have the right to hold on or carry Lady Nathalie Renascente's money when going out of the house.

10. The maid shall not bother the other servants when at work.

11. The maid shall not interfere when the masters of the house are talking to Lady Nathalie Renascente with care, love and gentleness.

12. When disciplining Lady Nathalie Renascente by the masters of the house when the maid is around. No pain, no bruise and no harm shall be given to Lady Nathalie Renascente.

13. The maid shall only obey her own master alone... not anyone else. If something is wrong, the maid shall report to her benefactor.


An act of breaking one of these conditions is the same as terminating the contract itself, which can lead to the court. Both parties involved are agreeing to implement this contract, swearing not to break any of the conditions. Applicable to Lady Tania Roa Cavelier, Lady Vega Stella Cavelier, Renascente Family, Lady Nathalie Renascente and Ricca Retinosa.

Signature with a seal below:


Ricca and I have signed the contract earlier, we're just waiting for the Viscount's signature as he is the Lord of this house. In all, we have prepared three copies of the contract, one for me, one for Ricca and one for the Viscount.

The Viscount is soaking in sweat while reading the contract intently but he is also dealing with my aura so he can't focus. Just sign it, doofus! It's not like I cheat you or something…

He reached for his pocket and took out a piece of steel and stamped the three contracts unsure if his decision was correct. He handed me the contract but left one for his own copy, I took the other two with me.

"Thank you for your cooperation Viscount Renascente." I smiled, "Lora~ Send the shopping bags of Lady Nathalie to her real room."