"Lucy, Lucy, Lucia we're here." I tugged her shoulder to make her awaken, but I guess she really fell into a deep sleep.

I couldn't help myself but to smile while admiring her still sleeping on my car.

She never sleep in a car back then, but looks like it's different right now. What is she dreaming right now?why does her sleep is so deep.

I tried to tugged her again so she'll wake up but I guess she really is in a sleep.

"Lucia we're here, aren't you going to awake yourself?" I joke but then it doesn't really work for her.

When I couldn't awaken her from her deep sleep. I then decided to carry her instead trying hard on awaking her.

I went out on the car and walk to her door so I could carry her out of the car while she's still asleep.

Slowly, I opened the door on her seat. Still asleep? I wiped the the hair that covers her face right now.