A Queen.

Halona was restless, she sat on the couch for a moment before she jumped up again. She walked hurriedly to the dining table, she looked at the dishes, moved the soup bowl closer to the rice, shifted the jug to the center, she tried to set the cutleries better.

She was worried. When Camry spoke coldly the other time, it scared her and gave her goosebumps. As cold as her father was, no one had ever used such a cold rebuking tone to talk to her.

She lived a pampered and sheltered life. It scared her to know that she did something wrong and was being rebuked, that was the reason she fled from the room.

Halona was scared she would only make Camry more annoyed if she stayed longer. She was scared that Camry would not like her again and throw her out of the house. She did not want that!

She cupped her face and analyzed the situation. She wanted to know what she did wrong exactly so that she would make amend.

Lost in her thoughts, she did not realize the presence of Camry. Camry's eyes moved around the changed house. The new simple but exquisite decorations were after all pleasing to the house. Camry had an 'it is expected' look.

"What are you doing?" Camry noticed Halona who seemed to be lost in thought and asked. Her voice sounded cold and distant as usual causing Halona to jolt.

"You... you are here!" Halona was startled but she composed herself quickly. She did not want to make Camry angry anymore.

Camry raised a brow at the obvious, of course, she was there. she was about to ignore Halona and walk away when a voice of ridicule sounded in her head.

"You really are an expert in scaring people little one... hehe" The voice laughed.

Camry narrowed her eyes. That voice was becoming more and more untamed, it was always getting on her nerves. Halona saw Camry's displeased face and fidgeted. She wondered if she have done something wrong again.

Camry raised her head, she saw Halona standing in front of her, her head dropped and her shoulders shook slightly. Camry pursed her lips, it looks like she was being so difficult now.

Not wanting her childish roommate to fall out of place, Camry mumbled an "Mm".

Hearing Camry speak to her, Halona raised her head and her eyes brightened. "Come here, I made us dinner already... let's eat!" Halona voiced eagerly.

"Okay" Camry saw Halona's happiness and said with a small smile. The smile was just the tiny movement of her lips but Halona caught sight of it.

Camry smiled! Camry smiled at me!

The words echoed in Halona's head and her eyes sparkled in excitement. She knew that her charm could bewitch anyone! Her best friend was gradually falling in love with her! Her joy knew no bound.

"Follow me, follow me!" Halona uttered. She wanted to reach out to grab Camry's hand but she stopped midway and just walked towards the dining table. She obviously still knew that Camry did not like close contact. She would achieve that later!

"Mm" Camry hummed and walked behind Halona to the 'dining table' she was talking about. This act of hers did not go unnoticed by the voice within her.

"Tsk tsk, such a softie! hmph!" it accused. Camry ignored it and rolled her eyes. Therefore, the nosy voice was thrown aside while Camry focused on her visitor who was playing the host.

"Sit, sit" Halona hurriedly helped Camry pull out a chair.

Camry raised a brow, she looked at Halona who was standing by the side with her hands clasped together in front of her. Her demeanor now was like a small girl who was practicing the act of pleasing her elders.

"Thank you" Camry mumbled. She was indeed being a softie to this pitiful-looking puppy-like lady before her.

Halona nearly jumped for joy. Camry thanked her! That was enough to make a day a good one. Her relationship was gradually getting beautiful as she wanted.

She bobbed her head vigorously in response and took her own seat across Camry. However, when the time to serve the food and eat came, she became nervous again.

"I... I don't know your preference, sorry I did not ask, I just prepared what I like. Oh my God! I did not even know if you are a vegetarian! Sorry, sorry... there is a bit of meat in everything. I... I can just cook again if don't like this... I—"

"Not bad" Camry's emotionless voice interrupted Halona's self-accusations.

"W-w-what?" Halona stuttered. She did not understand what Camry meant by "not bad" but when she looked down and saw that the latter had served herself and was even chewing the food, her jaw dropped.

D-did Camry just eats the food I prepared?! She swallowed a spoonful just now and even said... not bad?!

Halona looked like her eyes would pop out of their socket, she watched Camry consume more food from her plate. No, that was not even the point! It point was that Camry actually praised her! Jeez...

"Eat" Camry instructed when she saw that Halona was making no move. After she said that, she resumed eating without paying any more attention to Halona.

Actually, Camry wanted to find a way to shut Halona's mouth. She found it annoying that the girl kept on apologizing to her. They wanted to ignore her and tried the food before her. When she tasted it, she realized it was the best thing she had ever tasted since her birth. Therefore, the comment came from her heart.

Due to Camry's word of praise, Halona had twice her appetite. She ate continuously until her stomach could not contain any more food. She was surprised that the table was cleared with no food left.

The food she prepared was supposed to be a little bit more than what two ladies can consume but she and Camry had surprisingly eaten it all! She noted at the back of her head that her best friend was also a foodie only that she had yet realized it herself.

Halona made a point to always prepare more food and feed Camry till she realise that she was a foodie too! They sure fit perfectly, Halona thought.

"Ah! I am so full" Halona voiced, she cut a slice of cake and stuffed it into her mouth. "Hey bestie, ain't you full too?" she looked at Camry.

Camry at that time was also biting into a slice of cake. She chewed then swallowed before muttering an "Mm".

Halona blinked, she snapped back to reality. She was just blinded by Camry's elegance and poise. Even when eating, Camry maintained an elegant mannerism. She maintained all table manners and habits just like royalty!

Halona thought she was royalty but she could not even mirror such elegance if she was trained by a hundred etiquette teachers. This act of Camry was believed to only be perfected by those who had royal blood!

"Are you royalty?" Halona blurted out. She quickly covered her mouth after she spoke but it was rather late to undo what she have said.

Camry threw Halona a dirty look as if saying "are you foolish? Does this look like royalty to you?"

"hehe... you are not, you cannot be royalty at all. You are just a talented elegant woman. See, that is why I love you. I knew that you are a perfect match for me!" Halona joked and gave a cheeky laugh.

Camry whose words were like gold simply raised a brow and said nothing. She raised a glass to her lips and took a sip.

"heh..." Halona laughed awkwardly and scratched her head. But, Camry really looked royalty to her. She could just conclude her best friend was a queen in her own heart, there is no big deal about that.

Camry took the last sip of her drink and wiped her lips. She did not notice Halona's eyes that were following her every move. After a few seconds, She stood up with her plate in her hand.

"Stop! I mean... hold on, I- I will clear the place later!" Halona rambled without thinking. Actually, she just did not want Camry to leave yet. She feared that Camry will return to her room and sleep again, forgetting about her.

Camry raised a brow slightly, she looked at the plate she was holding before dropping it on the table again. "Oh," she muttered.

"Sit down first! Don't you know that it is not good to walk away after eating with someone? Tsk... just sit down, sit down!" Halona voiced.

Camry scrunched her brows but still sat nonetheless. After she sat down, Halona was just staring at her and not saying anything. She kept on staring and wiggling her fingers as if she was nervous.

"Say it" Camry commanded, a few seconds passed in silence and she had become uncomfortable under Halona's unrestrained gaze.

"Ah... right! The house..., Do you like it?" Halona asked in a small voice. She noticed that since Camry woke up, her eyes scanned every corner of the house but she had not given a comment. It was as if she did not notice the changes at all. Halona felt bad that Camry might not love the change.

Camry looked closely at Halona. She could see through her unspoken words. She let her eyes dart around the corners of the house again. The detached house from before was now looking homely. That was something she had longed for a long time ago...

Deep down, she was grateful that Halona did all she had done but she had a problem expressing herself. Seeing the girl before her looking wronged and pitiful again, her heart moved.

"Good" Camry commented. The corners of her lips were tilted up by half an inch.

Good! she did not say 'not bad'. But, good! That means Camry did not just like it but she really liked the changes, right?

Before Camry knew it, Halona flew from her seat and jumped into her embrace. Camry was hugged by Halona very tightly that there was no room for escape. This was the first time someone hugged her, and that close!

Halona did not notice the twitching of the lips of the person she hugged, she hugged even tighter and kept on muttering, "thank you! thank you so much! I knew you would like it! I really, really love you too..."

Camry was speechless but a certain intruder was not.

"Heh... interesting"