
"Argghhhh... how infuriating! What sort of perverted game is this?! Can you see this now? I have only moved once and— what!" Halona cried in exasperation. She lost again.

Camry who had been watching her play pinched the space between her brows. She wondered how anyone could be so poor in playing the game. But she did not realize that not everyone had her kind of perverted gaming skills.

"I am not doing this again!" Halona pushed the laptop aside, folded her arms, and glared at the poor game characters.

"Okay" Camry simply voiced.

She was not interested in playing either. If it had not been for Halona who did not want to play on her own, she might have never played the game again.

It was a game that she played with a group of online friends when she was ten years old. At that time, she had been extinct from her reality and only found solace whenever she played the game.

She played the game continuously for two years until she was twelve, they moved and her laptop was taken away by her mother. The woman claimed that spending so much time with her laptop was making her irresponsible.

Since then, till she forcefully took her laptop back at age sixteen, she never played again. Not that she forgot how to play or she got bored, she just did not want to play anymore.

It was the first time in ten years that she opened the game again. Surprisingly, the arena was just as it used to be but she could not tell if her arena mates remained...

"Do you always stay alone in the house and zone out like this?" Halona curiously asked. She cupped her face and watched Camry curiously.

Although the latter sat stiff and expressionless, Halona felt that she was deep in thoughts. She stared into her eyes but all she saw was a vast depth of emptiness. Dry and deep. She jolted.

Camry turned to the side, she faced Halona fully and blinked. Her dry and long lashes flustered according to her eyes movement. It looked like she had something to say but her lips were sealed. This caught Halona's attention.

She looked intently at Camry, her eyes urging her to speak her mind but Camry's face remained void. She was closed off to herself. After a while, she glanced away. Halona blinked in confusion.

"Eh.." she mumbled.

"There is nothing you want to do again?" Camry asked coldly.

"Huh? No. Ah! I just thought of something!" she exclaimed and Camry looked at her with a raised brow.

"What is it?"

"You do not have a job" Halona voiced, whether it is a question or not, Camry could not tell. She threw a side glance at Halona.

"I know you don't..." Halona chuckled at her silly chatter. "I was thinking we could find you a job. I heard you can apply for jobs through platforms. Here, give me your laptop"

Camry pushed the laptop towards Halona. She laid on the bed afterward. Her eyes trailed to the window that overlooked the room and had a view of the neighborhood.

The area was just as calm as it used to be. Although she had neighbors, the odd quietness of the area made it seems not. It was around five-thirty in the evening and her neighbors were beginning to return home, if one listened carefully, the snippet of their discussions about her could be heard.

She closed her eyes and entered a world of her own. Halona typed of her laptop and searched for job opportunities. She saw how Camry was not so closed off with her when she did this. It was as if Camry just left her to do whatever she wanted.

She saw so many cool jobs offers only. She needed to see Camry's resumé to apply for a job for her. She saw Camry's resumé and clicked it open.

"What—" she gasped suddenly and Camry opened her eyes and glanced at her with a questioning gaze.

"Ah... sorry, rest well it's nothing..." She stuttered. Camry ignored her and closed her eyes again.

Halona stared at the document in front of her, she had no words. All that she saw was an average certificate from high school with the attachment of all the jobs that Camry had taken. There was no degree attached. Did Camry not attend college? She wondered.

Camry had worked in so many places, a coffee shop, a salesperson, a marketer, a caregiver, and a lot more. They were all troublesome jobs.

Halona took a deep breath, she had thought of finding a good job for Camry but with her resumé, she would only find a small job. The kind of vacancies put up on the platform was from big or average companies. Each vacancy demanded one degree or the other but Camry had none.

Halona pouted she was about to close the page in disappointment when a certain announcement caught her eyes. She scrolled down to it and clicked on the link.

It brought her to a job description. There was not much required to get the job like the other vacancies that she had seen before. It seems this one is just a simple job in a small company, Halona thought.

Without consulting Camry, she applied for the job for her.

"Hey, are you sleeping?" Halona whispered after she was through with sending the application.

Camry heard this and opened her eyes. She looked at Halona with a raised brow. What Is it? her look said.

"Em... I found you a job, I applied for it already" Halona said.

"Oh" Camry muttered.

"Yeah.... they should give a response in a week or so.... cough, I don't know how this works..." Halona mumbled shyly. She had never applied for a job before and had no idea of how the system works. She just guessed they would get back to Camry one way or the other.

"Okay" Camry simply asserted. Her lashes fluttered shut again.

Halona blinked. She did not expect Camry to accept just like that. She did not even ask what the nature of the job was. Well, it was not stated on the platform either. She peeked at Camry for a while and shrugged. Only heavens knew what her thoughts were.

"Ding!" a sound came from the laptop and Halona turned to it immediately. Her eyes popped out. Below the application she sent was a notification.

It was a simple and short "You have been employed" message.

"Cam... Cam... Camry!" Halona yelled and tapped Camry.

Camry opened her eyes and hissed "What?" She sounded irritated. But this was not noticed by Halona who was still filled with astonishment.

" got employed!" she announced.


"Look, look... this— I did not know getting employed is that easy! I thought it will take a week or two. Wow... this is so good!" Halina voiced happily.

"Mm," Camry murmured without interest.

"This is so good! Camry, you can work all you want while I will be a full house bestie for you. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer!" Halona crossed her heart to show her sincerity.

Camry looked at her seriously and raised a brow. Her face was engulfed in a full-blown smile which made Camry speechless. She did not find anything hilarious about the situation.

Is it not just finding a job? She would probably be sent out of the job in a week or less than that. She did not voice her opinion and let Halona reel in her moment.

"Ah... see, there is another information here. Do you want to read it yourself?" Halona asked.

"Read" Camry instructed.

"Okay..." Halona scanned through the information that was sent to Camry. She did not read it out instead, she read through to explain to Camry.

"You are asked to resume work by seven O'Clock tomorrow... that's quite fast.." Halona mumbled to herself before shrugging it off. "Then there is the address of the workplace too... that's all. This is probably a small job too..." Halona said unhappily.

"Let me see," Camry said and took the laptop. She scanned through the information quickly, closed the page, and return the laptop. She memorized everything.

"Do you..."

"It's fine," Camry said. She knew that Halona was getting worried for her but she did not have so many thoughts about the job. It is just a job like any other...

"Are you sure?" Halona squeaked. She tried to decipher Camry's emotions through her eyes but the latter's eyes were just dull and emotionless.

"Did you see my resumé?" Camry question in slight irritation.

"Oh..." Halona understood. With a resumé like that, anything is understandable.

But she did not know that Camry's thoughts were different from hers, Camry did not just care about whatever she did. She will only work because she could not let herself be fed by others especially the grannie next door...

Halona did not say any more, although she worried in her mind. She noticed Camry was someone who just did things whenever the thoughts occurred to her, however, Halona did not find this behavior pleasant.

She took a pen and a notebook, she scribbled a timetable, she carefully allocated Camry times for activities like a diligent secretary.