
"Your office is over there" He hissed as he pointed to a corner.

Camry turned, she looked in the direction he pointed at. She saw a glass partitioned room right beside his own office. She stepped forward and moved close to the room.

She turned the doorknob and walked right into the office. Her eyes darted back and forth.

Just like the boss' office, it appeared so cold and boring. A swivel leather chair and a smaller desk.

At the edge of the desk was a telephone, probably the one she would use to communicate with this boss of hers, she thought before looking away.

A computer was placed in the center of the desk, there were neatly arranged manila folders at the other end of the desk. There was also a Macintosh Word Processor connected to a laser printer. She could tell that the room itself was a hive of activity.

She brought out one of her hands from her pocket and placed it on the table. She ran her fingers across the desk. It was the first time she had an office, she smirked. The job might not be as bad as she thought after all.


A voice distracted her and she turned around. Seeing her boss standing outside her office, she tilted her head slightly.

"Find the daily schedule in the drawer, look for Mary in the HR department, and have her give you a detailed explanation of your duties" he instructed and turned around to return to his own office.

Camry did not move, she stared at his disappearing figure. She tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully but her blank face did not reveal any of her thoughts.

"You! What are you standing for?! Stop dawdling around! I do not appreciate time wasters!" Mr. Hogan snapped.

Camry looked up, met his eyes, and raised a brow. She threw him a nasty look. She opened the drawer and found a notepad with 'schedule' written in bold letters on the cover. She took it out.

She brushed past him with the medium-sized book and mumbled an irritable "whatever" underneath her breath.

"You—" he had heard her but before he could retort, she was out of the office. His eyes narrowed into slits as he looked at her back. He was in control, he thought to himself. He clenched his fist and returned to his seat.

Camry could breathe normally now that she was no longer in the presence of the man. He was just a troublesome person and she had seen many of his kind.

She realized that she had no idea of the HR department she was sent to, she hissed. He was really troublesome. She pinched the space between her brows and stepped out of the elevator.

At one corner, she saw a lady behind a desk, she walked towards her. If she could not find her way to someplace, it would only be easier to ask around.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked with a polite smile. Still typing on her keyboard, the lady had not raised her head.

"HR department?" Camry voiced.

"W-what?" The lady stuttered, she raised her head and her eyes met with a pair of deep espresso-colored eyes. The lady blushed and stared at Camry longer.

"HR department? Which way?" Camry asked. She wondered if something was wrong with the people working in the company, they were so fond of making her repeat herself, something she was not fond of.

"Oh... i-its on the 2nd floor" the lady replied shyly, she batted her lashes as she fawned over Camry.

"Thank you" Camry muttered as she hurried away from the desk. More like, she hurried away from the weird lady behind the desk.

"Who is that person?" a lady whose face was painted in numerous colors whispered to the other lady.

"I don't know... She is so cool..." The lady behind the desk whispered back. Her voice was full of worship, she cupped her face as her blush intensified.

"Ah.." The other lady blinked. This partner of hers was so-so, she shrugged and resumed painting her nails.

Camry did not realize she had found for herself yet another fan aside from Halona, she stepped out of the elevator and walked into the department.

"Camry, is it?" Someone received her as she entered.

"Yes," Camry voiced. She faced the man who smiled at her nervously.

"Blakes," The young man said and offered Camry a hand.

Camry took his hand and shook it. The man stiffened when her hand touched his. Her fingertips were so cold that when they brushed against his palm, it froze his heart.

He met with her eyes and his heart jumped against his ribcage. He was stunned, he could not even understand the cause of the disruption and his jumbled emotions.

"Ehem..." he cleared his throat. "Mary's office is this way," he said.

"Mm," Camry mumbled and followed his lead. They walked into an office, two ladies were already seated in the office, one of them was familiar to Camry while the other was not.

"Hello, my name is Brenda. It is nice meeting you Camry" Brenda said with a smile, she openly scanned Camry's body from head to toe.

"Mm," Camry nodded. She did not mind that Brenda was looking at her that way.

"She is so-so" Brenda commented, her arms akimbo as she looked at Camry with a slight smirk. She noticed Blakes was also staring intently at this so-so-looking new secretary.

"Brenda?" Mary cautioned.

"What?" Brenda rolled her eyes and sat down. She did not stop staring at Camry.

Camry gave the notepad to Mary who raised a brow as she took it. She flipped it open and she nodded in understanding.

"He wants me to explain this to you?" Mary questioned.

"Yeah" Camry responded coldly.

"It is just as expected," Mary said with a small laugh.

"Let me explain to her!" Brenda offered.

"No, that won't do. The boss will find out if I did not teach her myself. That will be trouble for us" Mary explained. "Sit down, Camry"

"Thank you" Camry muttered. The three raised a surprised brow. If Camry had not noticed, every person had been surprised that a cold and nonchalant person like her could be... polite?

"She...she... Woah!" Brenda voiced as she leaned back into her chair.

Mary chuckled while Blakes just stared at Camry. They understood Brenda's thoughts. Camry was everything they had not expected.

"Okay, the boss wants me to tell you your work description. I won't lie to you, my dear, that is the most impossible thing to do here. That man, the boss, he alone knows best what is expected of his secretary. He does this every time, and I say this to each secretary he sends to me. You are smart enough to know what this job requires. You see, this job has no description whatsoever. It is just doing what the boss wants that matters. You understand?" Mary voiced.

Camry raised her head, she met with Mary's gaze and nodded. "Not bad" she uttered.

Mary also nodded in satisfaction, she was pleased with the character of Camry. Unlike the secretaries who had worked with Mr. Hogan before, they were either fearful of him, or they wanted her to tell them what to do or not to do.

"I believe you will stay longer in that office than the others" Mary asserted, she took a sip from her coffee.

"I agree" Brenda added and Blakes also nodded affirmatively.

Camry tilted her head and raised a brow. She doubted the idea. Had the boss not tried to throw her out on the first day already? She did not know what luck she had that he still let her stay.

"Do you want to be introduced to the staff?" Mary questioned.

"No" Camry voiced coldly.

"Ah. I figured" Mary nodded understandably. Camry nodded also. She did not enjoy being introduced to so many people that she might never speak to.

Just then, the telephone rang, Mary saw it was a call from the President's office, she froze for a split second before she recovered and picked up the call.

"Hello, sir?" Mary said cautiously, Brenda and Blakes froze, Camry tapped her chin thoughtfully. She did not look affected by her boss' sudden call.

"Okay, right away sir!" Mary said after a while. She dropped the telephone and heaved a sigh of relief.

"What did he say?"

"What happened?!" Brenda and Blakes chorused after they recovered from their frozen state.

"The boss. Camry, he ordered that you should return to the office this moment!" Mary voiced.

"Mm," Camry nodded, she picked her glass of milk and took a sip. Mary's jaw dropped, did she not just say the boss ordered? Who dared to ignore the boss' order like this!

Blakes was also stunned, Camry's graceful nonchalance caused his heartbeat to quicken.

Brenda was shocked for a few moments but then, she laughed.

"By the way, Camry.." Brenda started. "What do you think about the boss. He is an arrogant bossy boss, isn't he?" She questioned. Her eyes scanned Camry for juicy gossip.

"No" Camry uttered coldly, she stopped up and walked to the door.

"No?" Brenda was surprised that Camry did not agree with her. Every person in the company knew how bossy the boss could be however, Camry's response made her choke on her saliva.

"He is... just troublesome," she said and walked out leaving the stunned individuals behind