No Escape.

Gasps could be heard from every corner, everyone looked at the lady standing in front of the big boss, they wanted to salute her for her bravery to be able to talk to the big boss in that manner. Their curiosity was piqued to know more about this legendary lady.

They were already shocked by her entrance and now, she even surprised them more by the way she acted in front of the boss. Who exactly was she to the boss?

Mr. Hogan's expression darkened, he glared at the rebellious person standing in front of him. Because of their height difference, he looked down at her. His gaze pierced into her and if it were possible, his eyes could tear right into her skin. However, Camry was unfazed by his annoyance, in fact, the way he looked down at her irked her making her glare back at him.

Camry may be a cold person, sometimes, she appeared arrogant and unruly but she was actually an obedient person. She acted willful and rebellious If you try to confine her but if you treated her well, she does the same to you. She can choose to regard you or decide not to and there was nothing you can do about it.

She is the queen of her world.

Although this boss of hers was not likable, he is extremely bossy and arrogant. Cold and over-bearing, she still chose to be obedient since he also knows his place and of course, his salary offer was enticing enough.

She 'obediently' arrived on time to the company that day and even dressed 'appropriately'. She just could not understand why the man was being so troublesome and irritating. His temper was uncontrolled and stiff, it makes her feel very annoyed at him. The urge to beat him up was buried deep down in her heart.

"I already said it, I am not late" she voiced coldly, her tone was filled with suppressed anger. Her espresso-colored eyes were frosty as she glared icicles at him. At this time, the two seem to have forgotten the presence of other people as they continued glaring.

"You—" Mr. Hogan was angry to the point of speechlessness. He shifted his gaze from her and his sharp eyes fell on the crowd, one glance from him and they cowered. As much as he wanted to deal with her, he remembered how important the day was.

"You, follow me!" He ordered with gritted teeth. His actions opposed his command as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with him into the company.

The people standing and watching, "..."

They had a momentary shock when they saw the rumored neat freak who was wary of getting close to ladies hold on to a certain lady! Where exactly was the rumored gynophobic man?!

"Do you think our boss is going to be subdued soon?" Brenda whispered to Mary.

"Do you think the boss is going to subdue this secretary of his easily?" Mary questioned back. The two ladies looked at the entrance of the company and signed. They could not give answers to their questions at all, it felt like both the boss and the secretary would tear themselves apart very soon.

The reporters and paparazzi found the scene interesting and would make a piece of bigger news but they dared not create headlines about it.

Mr. Hogan dragged Camry all the way to the office, he closed the door behind them angrily with a loud thud. He twirled her around and made her face him.

"What do you think you are doing?!" He snapped at her through gritted teeth. His cold voice was filled with murderous intent.

He could not accept that she dressed in that manner and even appeared before him arrogantly after he had told her to dress appropriately. Was she testing his patience by being rebellious?

Camry narrowed her eyes coldly, a sharp glint flashed through her dimmed eyes. She did not understand his temper at all.

"Let go," she said coldly in a deep low voice. Her eyes were filled with vexation. She was angry at the ill-treatment she was receiving.

Hearing her arrogant tone, Mr. Hogan became angrier, he tightened her grip on her wrist and thrust her forward, her chest collided with his rock-hard chest. She gritted her teeth. He manhandled her and there was no room for escape.

"Why should I let go? Ain't you daring? Great, I love challenges too" he mocked coldly.

Camry's eyes darkened but were very calm, there was no sign of panic in her expression. He may be strong but she was not weak either, she had undergone military training when she was younger, she was physically strong and could single-handedly beat up fifteen men, however, she was at disadvantage at the moment.

The man held her with inhuman strength, she even felt as though her wrist would break. It was as if he used unseen methods to bind her making her weak and vulnerable before him. Caney gnashed her teeth angrily, she hated being weak.

"What? You are giving up?" Mr. Hogan seethed. His azure-colored eyes stared into her and seems to suck away the essence of her soul. He was trying to control her and she could feel it but something in her was resisting his captivity.

Seconds later, Camry's forehead was covered in perspiration, her face flushed and her eyes drooped. It was as if she was fighting a strong battle but even still, she did not show any weakness as his mental strength consumed her.

"Little one..." a small voice whispered in her mind. Unlike the usual loud voice, the voice sounded weak and soft, it made Camry pay attention to it.

"You have to look away from him, he is stronger than us— if you keep on with the mental battle... I-I... you will lose. This man is too dark and dangerous" the voice whispered.

Camry heard this and her eyes narrowed. Stronger than us? What does that mean? She wondered. She had always heard the mysterious voice speaking to her but she thought it was the creation of her mind. It looks like she was wrong after all... And what did the voice mean when it says her boss was dark and dangerous?

Although nothing made sense to her, she refused to give up, she weakly stared at the man in front of her. She ignored the silent call of her name. Slowly, the voice dimmed and was not heard again. Camry was on the verge of collapsing.

Just then, a knock was heard on the door and an urgent and careful voice followed. "Boss, the meeting is about to start! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Mr. Hogan's eyes narrowed dangerously, he suddenly let go of Camry. She felt a sharp pain in her head and gritted her teeth, she recovered after a few seconds and looked coldly at the man. She almost did not understand all that had happened.

"Just know this..." Mr. Hogan started coldly, his eyes moved across her body and he continued, "about this matter, I am not letting you go. Stay here and wait for me, even if you want to escape, you have no means"

"Bang!" the sound of the door closing came.

Camry touched her forehead, she could not forget the sharp pain she felt when the man stared at her, she sucked in her breath.

Though she tried not to think about it, her mind keeps trailing back to the voice, it was the first time she felt she was someone different from herself and that boss of hers...

"Little one... you almost got me killed a while ago, hmph!" Camry felt a surge of energy seeping into her body as she heard the voice again.

Her brows narrowed to form a straight line. This time, she was certain there was a mysterious connection between herself and the voice. The voice was not just the fragments of her thoughts but an existence that is part of her.

"What are you?" Camry asked coldly. Her voice was empty and expressionless.

"So many years had passed, I thought you might never ask me again. I am a part of you, your soul essence lord guardian" the voice floated solemnly into her mind and engraved itself in her heart.

"Soul essence lord guardian..." Camry muttered.

"Master" the voice sounded with reverence.

In high school, Camry remembered her history classes that focused on mythical creatures. Although they treated the classes as myth, it was an unspoken fact that most of these creatures exist for real.

Some histories had been wiped out to hide the existence of these beings and they have been subdued in every possible way having to live like humans.

Camry narrowed her eyes when these thoughts crossed her mind. A train of knowledge entered her mind as she thought, it was as though she knew about these things naturally. She felt very strange that her eyes grew colder.

"Who am I?" Camry questioned emotionlessly.

"Master, you—"