She was being lazy?

The next day, Halona woke up to still see Camry sleeping beside her, she was alarmed. She thought the latter was still sleeping she slept late the night before. She quickly woke her up. 

"Camry, you should wake up else you will be late for work!" Halona tugged at Camry's side, Camry let out a sharp grunt and opened her eyes. 

Her cold eyes threw a bloodshot glare at Halona who pouted wrongly. She was only doing a favor but how did she end up being glared at?

"What?" Camry voiced coldly, her brows knitted in impatience. 

"You... Are you not going to work today? Look at the time, it's only a few minutes to seven, you are going to be late!" Halona uttered. 

"It's nothing..." Camry said and leaned back on the bed to go back to sleep but Halona grabbed her shoulder and looked worried. 

"You can't be lazy!" Halona chastised and Camry's brow shoots up, her eyes became frigid. 

Lazy? She was not being lazy...