She was poisoned!

"There is something you all need to know..." The director uttered. Seeing that he had their attention, he continued. 

"We ran a few tests to know that the reason for the sudden situation is because the lady suffered from the effects of narcotic poisoning!" The director announced with a hard face. 

"W-what?!" Marcus was shocked that he took a step back before throwing a glance at Camry's body. 

Narcotic poisoning...? How is that... Possible?

"Poison? What is that? Do you mean Camry was poisoned?!" Halona questioned, her read eyes threw a look in the direction. 

"From the test we ran, we discovered a large amount of morphine in her blood. The dosage of drug intake was too much and harmed her body. Whether she was poisoned or she took the drugs herself is something that I cannot determine. However, this can be considered a piece of good news or not.