A gut feeling...

In the middle of an exquisitely decorated room, two men sat facing one another playing a game of chess on a glass chessboard while a young boy lay on a white couch in another direction, his face plastered to his tablet. 

"Ahem, Hogan, I heard that the company was going to release the visual game software to market at the end of next month" Marcus moved a pawn on his chessboard kicking one of Mr. Hogan's characters aside. 

Mr. Hogan raised a brow at the action, but he did not relax. He moved a pawn to a strategic box casually. 

"I see you are really following the news of the company these days, I thought you have been playing around" Mr. Hogan uttered coldly but his eyes never left the chessboard. 

Marcus narrowed his eyes and they darkened, he raised his head and glared at Mr. Hogan, he knew that move that the man made was going to be the end of him eventually.