All that mattered.

"Even if you remain my secretary, you still have a high position in the company. It was your idea, to begin with, you deserve it" Mr. Hogan uttered. 

Camry looked at him and said nothing. Although it was the least of her thoughts that this arrogant boss of hers can turn out to be her senior, she could not avoid it. 

As soon as she remembered the memories they shared when she was a child, all of her grievances against him vanished, she saw him in a new light, she did not see a boss, but her senior. 

"Senior, thank you..." She muttered sincerely. She had always been a type that was grateful for even little favors. She wanted to thank him, for everything... For the years when she was alone but he was there. 

During the two years, he was readily available for her. If she sent him a message, the response will come in seconds. She was able to survive then because of him. She made a big deal out of it even if no one did.