Little girl, be careful...

Mr. Hogan's eyes darkened, his gaze on her deepened...

He placed a hand on her waist and tugged her closer. Her body was made to press close to his until they were only separated by the piece of clothing. 

He moved his hand and pinched her jaw, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. She appeared very calm and looked back at him, just like a child waiting to receive candy for her obedience. The warmth from their bodies pressed together was a cooling therapy, her muddle-headed self pressed closer to him and his eyes widened by an inch. 

"You are really curious!" He breathe and before she could blink, a warm pressure collided with her lips. 

He kissed her. 

At first, it was just a small innocent peck on her lips. Muddle-headed Camry pressed her lips together, she pushed her face closer to his face while her eyes searched the abyss of his orbs. She pluckered her pink glittering lips in confusion.