Loving mother of the nation.

"Mother! How could she treat me in that way? She had no regard for me at all and did not mind that I am the princess, the next to the throne!" Princess Gracia complained, she paced to and fro in her mother's room. Each second, her palm emitted a frosty glow which showed how angry she was. 

"My dear daughter, you have to be calm, alright. Remember, she is also a princess just as you are!" The queen voiced, she took Princess Gracia's hand in hers and cupped it affectionately.

"It doesn't matter, mother! Do you not understand? When I see her, I don't know... I feel so suppressed and all! Coupled with the fact that she looks just like you! Why can't I be the one who resembles you, why must it be her! It makes me really want to tear off the skin of her face!" Princess Gracia uttered viciously, her blue orbs were covered with hate and frostiness. Her gaze was so sharp that it could pierce one's heart.