His faults.

-I am sorry-

He was truly sorry, it was his fault, his fault that she had to go through this state. When he heard her dream, he thought it felt familiar... A boy and a girl. 

He could not help but remember his own dream, or should it be his past? The memory of the little boy, he knew it was his past and somehow, the second half of that memory was her past. She had saved him then, used her soul to revive him. As she had promised then, she helped him live again. This person who was his savior in the past and now his woman, he owed her. He owed her the life that she had given to him but that was not the deal now. He was more glad that they met again in this life. Perhaps, this was their fate...

"Why did you apologize?" Camry uttered, she was slightly confused by his action which was quite abrupt.