Little's lies.

"My Queen, even if the Princess released the first energy, how do we explain—" the seer started only to be interrupted by Princess Gracia. 

"Coincidentally, Mother, I also heard that Lady Talia experienced the same thing this morning. I had my people confirm this from her. After all, the sensation could also be traced to the East courts. Lady Talia would never lie about this" The princess explained with a smile. 

"Good. That was a good coincidence. You two may be opposing sides but, the heavens chose to bless you equally" the Queen voiced. 

The princess gritted her teeth and uttered a "yes," with a forced smile. 

"Go back, this queen wants to rest in peace" the Queen voiced. 

"Yes!" The seer and the princess bowed, the two walked out of the chamber at the same time. 

"Should I say... Congratulations, princess?" The seer muttered as soon as they were outside, he wore a smile that the princess did not fancy.