A condition.

Three days had passed, everything was back to normal, the incident of Camry growing wings seems as though it never even happened. Mr. Hogan would come visiting and whenever he did, he was his usual self. Candy could even bet that he looked better as though nothing was happening to him but she could just not help the nagging feeling at tge back of her mind that something was really wrong with the man. He was definitely hiding something big from her, she also sensed danger approaching... 

Even if she remained calm, she maintain her ultimate alertness. 

"Eldest Princess, you look even better today..." Lady Talia praised as usual, she ran the big wooden comb through Camry's silky waves. She styled and fixed little hair pins to hild the braids. She already knew that the princess does not like too many jewelry. 

"Mm" Camry gave a voiceless humming sound in response, she rapped her fingers on the arm rest and her mind was clouded with so many thoughts.