Remember that, I love you.

"Say something, Camry..." Mr Hogan placed both of his hands by the side of her face and stared into her eyes. But, she remained mute. Her eyes reddened and her hands clenched tightly by her side. 

"Cam—" he tried calling her again but this time, the girl looked at him and opened her mouth. 

"Why? Why did you do it?" Her voice rang lifelessly, the strings of her tune were broken into the shapes of her shattered heart. "Why did you do this to yourself!" 

"I cannot bear to see you hurt anymore, little girl... You have suffered for so long and when I realized I had what you needed with me, it was my fault..." Mr. Hogan lowered his head weakly, Camry's body shook in both anger and sorrow. 

"So what! I did not need it, I did not ask you to do it! I did not even want it! Why, why did you do this!" She snapped.