Just like in the past.

-Even though I climb a thousand mountains and walk a million years, I will return back to you, my sweet home-

Beep, beep, beep... The sound came nonstop from the computer beside her but, she was absent inded and almost could not hear it. 

Was it a dream she just woke up from? But, she knew it was not a dream because it felt so real! She was there and he was also there! It looks like they were finally back again to the world. 

The rustle of papers could not snap her out of her daze but, a knock on the office door jolted her back into her full reality. 

"Hey, wake up!" She heard the familiar deep voice beside her and she tilted her head and stared into his face. The fountain pen in her hand fell on the table with a soft thud. 

Mr. Hogan laughed, "why? Surprised? Did you not send us back here on your own? I can remember everything clearly, it really did happen," he said to her.