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Camry was stunned for a moment when she saw the reaction of everyone around her. For some reason, when Mr. Hogan's mother touched her, she did not find it repulsive like it was when strangers touched her. The elderly woman was warm and approachable, she gave her the king of feeling a mother should give a child, and the king too. Camry's eyes dimmed slightly, so this was how it felt to be loved by one's parent. She had just been unlucky in the past years. 

"Don't stand too long child, else your leg would ache you, come and sit beside me!" The queen muttered and pulled Camry towards the couch. She sat down first and pushed Halona aside making Camry comfortable between them. Halona was stunned by her mother's reactions. 

"Mom!" She cried and rolled her eyes. Who was it that was against accepting this 'daughter-in-law' of hers moments ago? Halona voiced inwardly and rolled her eyes.