Level Up

"Now the first thing your going to want to know is that here there is what's known as beasts and each one has a specific tier to them and ill list them as follows basic tier , intermediate tier, advanced tier, emperor tier, legendary tier, demi-god tier, and finally demon tier. every single beast has a beast crystal core and the higher the tier the clearer the core is, me being a dragon was a demon tier!" feeling proud about herself.

"this world also has magic in it as you have experienced there are multiple types of magic but each one branches off these 6 water, earth, fire, wind, light, and dark. though Kains magic was something I have never seen so I guess it was a combination of all of them? cause he could use them all. from what I remember the year is 987 though its probably 990 now that's its been 3 years sense I was defeated and put into the system. there should be a city if you go north from here and you will be able to get more information there." I start to look left and right and look up in the top corner of my menu at a little compass which then points north and I head into that direction.

"thank you for helping me I will repay this favor to you in the future ." closing the menu out of my face.  though I can see perfectly fine with it up it distracts me when I'm in an unknown territory. 

'now its time to find out some more information' I continue to slight jog towards north bound not wanting to exert to much energy in case I run into one of those so called beasts. 

"Kayda do you know why I look so young and my hair is so lo-" my sentence was cut off as i dive and roll on the ground nearly missing a claw that scratched the surface of my back. i turn around to reveal a brown tiger looking creature but with two tails and and two rows of razor sharp teeth and 3 eyes staring right at me snarling. 

" that's a triphus a basic tier and its known for its lock jaw and sharp claws and enormous amount of strength. but is really slow  when it comes to recovering after an attack. be careful" Kayda informs me in a panic. 

"thank you but I think I can handle this ." I say as I run towards the beast leaping to the side as it pounces at me again swinging out wide towards me. I grab the back of its scruff and pull myself towards it realizing the only way to take it down is to kill it from the inside cause the hide is too thick to penetrate with my hands. as I pull my self towards it and I form my hand into a flat palm and jab my hand into its eye hearing a loud "pop" sound as I dig my hand deeper and deeper eventually reaching its brain killing it instantly.

"your not the first animal I've had to fight bare handed."  I pull my hand out covered in black blood. I whip my arm down flinging off most of the blood. while a series of messages popped up

'level up'

'level up' 

"you are now level 2 skills tab unlocked"

"You have unlocked the skill ( Weakness Sensing) 

when activated you can sense the opponents weak points (uses 1 mana per second when used, Cooldown time 2 seconds)"

"Wow I don't think I have ever seen a human defeat a beast bare handed like you. Right there where did you learn to do that!!!???" she basically yells out super excited that he survived cause if he died she would too. and also curious as to how he was this strong without any magic. imagine him with magic.

' I cant wait to see what he can do with this system and maybe if I ever get my body back I would like to have a duel with him but I don't think that will ever happen curse you Kain if Aiden didn't kill you I would have!' she thinks to her self excitedly