What is Happening???

"I don't have an id, I'm a traveler and have lost it fending for my life against a basic tier beast. As you can see i barely got out of there with my life as i have no weapons.'' I say halted and awaiting the next orders from the guard.

" Wow you're a good liar Aiden. That rolled off your tongue without hesitation. What did you do back on earth that made you like this?" kayda whispers into my mind even though no one else can hear her.

" If you do not have id we will have you in for questioning and age scanning. Please follow me " the guard with the spear says motioning me to move with him. 

"Yes sir ''  Not understanding why i would need an age check but understand the questioning parts as i've already made up my story with the help of kayda I slowly walk forward. putting my hands slowly to the side making sure they see me but they don't seem to even be affected as the one with the short spear smirked. Not knowing that they just made a bet that Aiden was a deserter for 500 credits.

Walking through the large wooden door I can see carvings into the door and into the walls surrounding it. In fact they weren't cracks at all but patterns hand carved? I wonder why. Is it for looks?  We continued to walk through the long hall all lit up with the same blue stones as the one I had in that room. As we get closer to the end of the tunnel I can make out the sunlight but before we can get any closer the guard stops and takes a right into another door. We continue to walk and take another left passing different rooms until we reach the end of the hall with a tag on the door stating 'Age Verification'. And we step through the door revealing a machine the size of a person no taller than 8 feet made of what looks like nothing but glass, but if one where to look they can see small engravings all along the floor of the machine, and attached to it is a black ball about the side of a soft ball from earth.

"I am not much one for being around humans and tbh honest I've only met a handful of them but they are weird. I don't get any of them and there are weird things." looking at the weird machine along with aiden who has still said nothing up to this point.

"Now if you would step in there for me and we can run the ageing verification and we will continue to ask questions to get you a new id." the guard says opening the glass door and motioning for me to move in.

"Okay" is all I say, not really caring for this part as I prepare to be bombarded with questions, preparing myself for different scenarios. I take a step in and the scent of new shoes enter my nose for some reason. Mm I love this smell, one of my favorites. As I am distracted by the smell the guard has already moved to the ball and has already started the ageing process putting in his magic into the crystal ball making it light up and the carvings under his feet light up a number is displayed on the ball. '16'

With his shoulders shrunk he calls into the radio 

" We have a deserter sending him to nearest base 13, I repeat we have a deserter, sending him to nearest base 13" as soon as he finishes his scenentance he inputs magic into the ball again and a purple gas shoots out the roof of the capsule.

"Poison resistance level 1(5%)" a system message popped up in front of me.

"Hey! What are you doing??!!! " i bang on the door harder and harder each time

"I didn't do anything, why are you doing this!!!!??" i scream out continuing to bang on the glass 

"Poison resistance level 1 (95%)" the system message popped up again

"I glare at the guard as I can tell this is sleeping gas trying to stay awake but it was an unknown gas to my body and not being able to withstand it I slowly start to close my eyes and at the same time I faint I say loud enough for the guard to hear.

"I'll remember you."

"Poison resistance level 1 (110%)"

"Poison resistance level 2 (10%)" two system messages appear but I was already passed out to read them.


The guard hearing this gets a shiver down his spine. 

'Why am I scared of him? He's just a kid' the guard thought 

"Rolling him out to pad number three prepare the tracer" he radios in grabbing ahold of aiden and strapping him onto a stone slab with wheels on it and a dirty piss yellow pillow.