James' transmigration into another body.

USA: Detroit city.

James' POV.

In one of the rooms of a hospital in Detroit city laid a young boy who has being in coma for the past two years due to a deadly disease...he was an orphan. A drip was injected into his arm and he was dressed in a hospital gown. His appearance wasn't that appealing to the eyes, he was pale and his lips had turned white.

One of the housemothers in the orphanage home where he was raised was sitting close to him in the hospital room. Her facial expression was gloomy, she was really worried as to why he hadn't woken up though the doctor said the disease that put him in this condition had vanished from his body. She held one of his palms and began speaking,

"Michael, why haven't you woken up? You aren't even showing any sign that you're gonna wake up soon. It's been two years now since you've been lying on this bed. We really miss you at the orphanage home, everyone misses you, your friends miss you more than anyone else. The doctor said that the ailment that put you in this condition has vanished from your body, they've treated it. But why aren't you waking up?".

Then suddenly, the boy's hospital monitor started beeping. The housemother didn't even know what to do at that moment, it's been a long time since his hospital's monitor beeped. She couldn't believe her eyes when his left fingers started moving, then suddenly, his eyes opened and he sat up on the bed. What she was seeing now was too much for her, she couldn't believe it. She managed to stutter,

"I..I must be dreaming, Th..this can't be true. Michael, you've woken up".

Immediately, she ran out of the room while screaming, "Doctor!, Doctor!".

James had transmigrated into the orphan's body. His head was completely void as he kept on glancing around the room. He stared at the drip injected into his arm and some other stuff in the room. Then, all of a sudden, memories started crashing into his head all at once. His memories and the boy's memory. He then remembered how he and his parents were murdered in their apartment....and the killer was uncle Fred.

He was burning with anger just by thinking about it, a close relative was the cause of a family's death. He couldn't just understand why he wanted them dead, why? Surely, he was gonna revenge either by hook or by crook...he wouldn't go scot-free. He transmigrated into the body of another person, he was gonna make wise use of it.

He then remembered that there was a time when his dad and uncle Fred were arguing about sharing a huge amount of money, that could be the reason why he decided to kill them all. He had shattered his dream of becoming an artiste and making his parents proud. No matter what, he was gonna revenge, that's for sure.

He stared at his arms and said to himself, "This person must have been in coma for long, his body is so pale. I wanna see what my face looks like now, does he have a handsome face or not?".

Suddenly, the housemother, a doctor, and a nurse stepped into the room. They strolled over to the bed where he was lying, and the first sentence that oozed out of the doctor's mouth was,

"Truly, he has woken up".

The doctor did the stuff that's needed to be done to a patient that has just woken up from coma. After concluding with it, he voiced out,

"He is totally fine".

The housemother went very close to James, placed her two palms on his shoulders, stared directly into his eyes, and inquired,

"Michael, do you remember me?".

Most of the boy's memories had crashed into James' head, so he remembered her. With a faint voice, he voiced out,

"Ma'am Linda?".

She hugged him tightly the moment he mentioned her name, she was really glad that he remembered her. That's an indication that he didn't lose his memory due to the coma. Still hugging him tightly, she uttered,

"We really miss you at the orphanage home. Sam and Joshua miss you a lot, they've been visiting you here at the hospital from time to time".

After making that statement, she let go of him. Sam and Joshua, those names, yeah, James remembered them. They were his close friends in the orphanage home according to the guy's memory. James glanced at the three of them and asked,

"How long have I been here?".

"You've been here for about two years now. You were 13 years old when that ailment gripped you 'causing you to go into coma. And it's been two years since you've been lying on this bed though the doctor said the disease has vanished from your body. So, calculating it by two years, you're currently 15 years old". The housemother responded.

James remembered all those according to the boy's memory. He remembered when the signs of the disease started manifesting in the boy's body. But what he didn't know was how long the guy's body has been lying on this bed, and he has just been informed. The doctor glanced at James and asked,

"Can you walk? try walking, let's see".

The drip injected into his arm was taken off by the doctor. Then James got down from the bed, stood on his feet, and began walking. He was feeling no pain of any sort.

"He can even walk with ease, men, you guys are good to go, he is completely OK. His memories are intact, he isn't confused at all. There is no single side effect due to the coma, the disease has vanished from his body system completely. You can take him home". The doctor said to the housemother, Linda.

"I don't need to do or pay anything before taking him back to the orphanage, right?". Ma'am Linda inquired of the doctor.

"No, not at all, you guys have settled the whole fees according to the days he spent on this bed. So, you are free to take him home".

After making that statement, the doctor turned his attention to James and uttered, "Boy, you have to be grateful to this woman and the orphanage home. They spent a lot of money on you to cure that ailment from your body and the time you spent lying on this bed. Ma'am Linda here visited you a lot, so you have to be very grateful to her".

Ma'am Linda just smiled and said, "But I can't take him home now, he can't go home in this hospital gown. I'll have to rush to the orphanage and get clothes that he's gonna wear before heading to the orphanage home".

"Oh! That's true, do that". The doctor said to her after coming to a realization.

She placed her palms on James' hair, caressed it a little before uttering, "Everyone at the orphanage will be so happy to hear that you've woken up. And best of all, they'll be so happy to see you. Let me go get the clothes you're gonna change into".

With that, she sauntered out of the room, then the doctor told James to sit down on the bed while waiting for her return before he and the nurse walked out of the room. James sat down on the bed and began thinking about how to take revenge on his uncle for murdering him and his parents. He wanted his uncle dead at this moment, he wanted him to die a slow and painful death.

He thought and thought, but he couldn't come up with an effective plan that would meet up the standard of revenge he wanted. He wanted both his uncle and his family to die painfully, and he wanted them to know that he was the killer. Surely, his uncle would be smiling wherever he is thinking that he had wiped out his brother and his family, probably, enjoying the money they argued about. Not knowing that one of them was still alive in another person's body.

James waited for close to an hour before the housemother entered his hospital room with his clothes. He changed into the clothes, then she spoke with the doctor for some minutes before the both of them sauntered out of the hospital. Getting outside of the hospital, the housemother stopped a taxi and told the cabman where they were heading to.

The cabman didn't need to talk much, all he said was, "Hop in, I know the place".

And with that, James and the housemother entered the taxi sitting in the backseat.