Burning passion.

After the climax of the football match, the boys sat down together on the grass of the field to discuss. Simon and the boy that suggested the football match sat down separately on the field to discuss also. Their discussion was gonna be based mainly on what they had passion for.

"So, what made you love football this much and how did you learn to play?". The boy inquired of Simon.

"I don't know, as I was growing up, I started having that love for sports in general...mainly football. I noticed that I was drawn to football more, so I discovered that I loved it and I had passion for it. My parents noticed my growing love for football, so they got a ball for me. I found myself making use of the ball always, and that's how I started building up my skills slowly".

"Speaking of your parents, where are they? Where were you heading to when our activity caught your attention?". The boy inquired of Simon once again.

Now, Simon knew that his parents were dead, so what was he gonna tell this curious guy? The body he was in wasn't even his real body, so if he starts explaining everything for this guy from the very beginning, he was gonna get confused, or most likely, faint from disbelief. So he was gonna lie, he had been doing that for some time now.

"My parents are at home, we reside in this city of California. I was coming back from a special event which I attended yesterday and was just heading back home this morning when you guys drew my attention with your football skills".

"Oh!". The boy uttered as a sign of understanding.

"So do you guys own this football field or something? Did your parents got it for you guys? How did you guys get to know each other? I wanna know more about you all, please, tell me". Simon asked those questions at once.

The guy cleared his throat and said, "No, we don't own this football field, our parents didn't purchase it for us. Other boys do make use of this football field when we aren't making use of it. We all have been friends from little, it was just like we were meant to become friends with each other. We all had the same passion and we were chasing one goal...our passion is sports and football, and our goal is to become great footballers in the future. I'm sure you share that dream also?".

"Yeah, that has always been my dream from the very onset". Simon responded.

"We all are on the same boat, with hard work, we can achieve our dream. That's why when we are less busy and this place isn't filled up, we do meet here to practice football. Most times, we just display our football skills and improve them as you saw us doing. Sometimes, we do play friendly matches like the one we just finished playing".

"Didn't you guys go to school? It's still morning?".

"No, the whole school in California is on break right now, so no one is to go to school. It was declared this morning. Aren't you a student? You supposed to be aware of that".

Shit! Simon wasn't aware of that, if he was, he wouldn't have asked that question. He forced out a smile and voiced out,

"Oh! yes, yes, I remember, it skipped my mind. You know, I didn't even go to school yesterday 'cause of the special event I attended".

Simon knew fully well that he attended Robert's school yesterday, and no one said anything about school not being the next day. So seems like it was announced this morning on TV and radio stations for both parents and students to hear. Most likely, some students must have gone to school and returned home...those that heard the information late. Simon turned his attention to the boy and inquired,

"How did you get the information that there was no school this morning?".

"My dad listens to the radio a lot, so he heard the news very early this morning and informed me, that made things easier for me. But surely, some students must have gone to school and returned home. Except for those that are residing in their schools, the boarding house".

"So you guys knew that you'll have to meet here since there wasn't school? Did you people have to phonecall each other to get here?". Simon asked the guy once again, he wanted to get more than enough information.

"Yeah, we knew that we'll have to meet here since schools are on halt at the moment. You know, we do spend most of our free time here. That's how much we love football, that's how much we aspire to become footballers. I wouldn't lie to you, six of us here don't like school. We prefer to spend most of our time practicing football here than going to school".

Now, Simon loved what he was hearing, these are the kind of people he needed to associate with, people that had that burning passion for football. Maybe he could try associating with them from now on, this could be the steps he needed to take to achieve his dream. Little by little, they would keep on practicing their skills, and who knows...they could even achieve their dreams together.

"Can I be joining you guys from now on to practice football?". Simon inquired of the guy.

"Yeah, that would be great, you have our full permission, I'm speaking in place of my other friends also. We'll keep on striving and practicing our skills, maybe one day, a big coach would notice us and we'll all fly to greater heights".

Simon's face lit up as he shook hands with the boy and uttered, "Thanks man".

You know what, Simon and the guy sat down there discussing for hours, they didn't tire out. They talked a lot about football and other sports, and they also talked about other things of life. They were so immersed in their discussion that they didn't even notice the other guys. The guy hating on Simon had no choice but to leave, he was waiting for Simon to leave first, but he had noticed that Simon had no plans of leaving any time soon.

The other boys started leaving one after the other until it was remaining only Simon and the boy remaining on the football field. While discussing, it got to a point when their stomachs started rumbling, they were hungry. Simon strolled out of the field to get something for the both of them to eat.

He walked over to the nearest food store he could find and purchased snacks and drinks they could use in filling their stomachs...he did this out of his pocket. Then he found his way back to the field and sat down on the grass handing the boy's portion of the snacks and drinks over to him. The guy collected it from him, with a smile on his face, he said,

"Thanks man, I really appreciate this".

"No prob, let's eat to our fill".

They began eating until they finished their portion of the snacks, then they gulped down their drinks. Thinking that it was gonna end there? No, it didn't, Simon and the boy started discussing once again. They chatted until it got to evening, they had become friends, they had a certain type of connection.

But they needed to evacuate the football field anyway, they wouldn't sleep here? Unless they are willing to accept whatever befalls them when they are asleep. Both of them stood up from the grass as Simon wore his backpack, then the boy turned his attention to Simon and uttered,

"We gotta leave, like we've been sitting here for hours discussing, my mum would be waiting for me".

"No prob, I gotta go home too, my parents haven't set eyes on me since yesterday". Simon stated, his utterance was a lie though, he's got no parents to go home to.

"Do you have a sporting jersey like the one I'm wearing right now?". The guy asked.

"Yeah". That was another lie from Simon, he's got no sporting jersey with him currently. But when he was with his parents, he's got numerous of them in his wardrobe.

"OK, that's good, the next time you'll be coming here, try wearing them. You know, we do wear our sporting jerseys anytime we sure that we'll be visiting this field".

"OK, that's understood".

"Once again, I wanna thank you for the snacks and drink".

Simon smiled and said, "That's no big deal".

"Okay, we meet next time then".

With that, both of them evacuated the football field to their different destination.