So many similarities.

"You surprised right?". Simon asked, "You weren't expecting it, I died and transmigrated into the person's body you are seeing now. That's why I easily believed it when you told me that you transmigrated into another person's body".

"How did yours happen? How did you die? As I told you, I and my parents were murdered by my uncle right in our parlor".

Simon's face turned a bit gloomy, remembering what caused the deaths of him and his parents once again leveled down his mood.

"I and my parents got involved in a tragic car accident which cost us our lives immediately. Our car was hit by a truck, my dad was busy talking to me that he didn't notice the large truck coming right in front of us. By the time he noticed it, it was too late already, the truck hit our car causing it to somersault twice before landing on the ground. That's what led to the death of me and my parents".

James shook his head a little and uttered, "That's so unfortunate. What is the experience of the person's body you transmigrated into? Does he have a family?".

"Yes, he does, he's the son to wealthy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. According to his memories, he got involved in a tragic car accident along with some guys when they were coming back from a party. Due to the accident, he went into coma, and he had being in that coma for the past one year until I transmigrated into his body. He loved school and he took his studies seriously, but he started associating with bad companies and things turned upside down,

Even when associating with those bad friends, he still took his studies seriously and his parents had no idea that he had started correlating with wayward friends. It was him and some of those wayward friends that were driving back from the party when they got involved in the car accident that put him straight into coma. They were all drunk including the driver". Simon explained.

"Why are you homeless then since you said his parents are wealthy? Why did you run away?". James inquired of Simon once again.

"I wasn't just comfortable there, yeah, they are affluent and they've got good things of life, but I wasn't still comfortable there. One of the reasons is that since I transmigrated into his body, I'll have to continue his life. I'll have to fulfill his dreams, but am ain't willing to do that, I've got my dreams to pursue also. Before death took me, as a 13 years old boy, I was aspiring to become something in the future. And since I was given a chance to live again in another body, I'll neglect whatever the person's dreams were and try to achieve mine. So I ran away, actually, I stole a certain amount of money before running away".

The connection James was feeling towards Simon was getting stronger, they were similar in almost every aspect of their lives. He was 13 years old when he died and transmigrated into another person's body, James was also 13 years old when he died and transmigrated into another person's body. And they both stole money from the places they found themselves in before running away. Simon was feeling the connection also.

James wanted to know those dreams of his, so he inquired of Simon again,

"What are those dreams of yours? Those dreams you are gonna try achieving since you were given a chance to live again?".

"I had loved sports as a whole from a very young age, but I loved football the most. And that's what I had passion for, my number one dream is to become a footballer in the future. I've got my favorite footballers in the football world, and I'll love to become one of them. My parents supported my dream of becoming a professional footballer, and that inspired me more to continue chasing that dream. In my school back in Atlanta, I was among the best players in my class and the school as a whole. Just that there were more skilled football players with a more built body more efficient for football playing. And they were older than me,

So let's say I was a bit underrated 'cause of that. That's my dream, that's what I have passion playing, and am still gonna try chasing that dream".

Another similarity, they were both residing in Atlanta with their parents before death visited them. Hearing these experiences of Simon, the connection James was feeling towards him was just getting stronger and stronger.

"I have told you a lot about me already, but you haven't told me much. You said something like your uncle shot you and your parents dead in the parlor, and that's what resulted in your death. Tell me more about it, what's the experience of the person's body you transmigrated into? Does he have dreams? You as a person, do you have dreams?". Simon inquired of James, he also wanted to know more about this person he was feeling such a strong connection with and was also getting comfortable with...his savior.

"Okay, first of all, am gonna start from the experiences of the person's body I transmigrated into. According to his memories, he is an orphan, he had been residing in an orphanage home from a very tender age. He had been in coma for the past two years before I transmigrated into his body. He went into coma 'cause of a very deadly disease that afflicted him. And even when the doctor had treated the curable disease out of his body, he was still in coma,

Waking up in his body, I was taken to the orphanage home by one of the house mothers who was at the hospital at the time of my waking up. I received such good reception from the orphans and workers of the orphanage, they were so happy to see me. According to the guy's memories, he had such fun and memorable experiences in the orphanage before he went into coma,

But I wasn't comfortable being there, just like you, I have my dreams to achieve and there are lots of things I need to fix up. I wouldn't be able to achieve all those if I stayed in the orphanage, just like you, I stole an amount of 400 dollars from the orphanage before running away. Just so you know, the orphanage home is in this city, so I'll have to try my best to avoid them".

James then paused for a while before he continued speaking,

"The guy doesn't have many dreams according to his memory, he and all the orphans attend school in the orphanage. But as for me, my dream is to become a famous artiste in the future. I had always loved music from a tender age, and I have an immense passion for it. But the problem is, I don't really know how to sing. My plan after high school was to go to a music school to study music, to improve my vocals,

But then, everything got spoilt when my greedy uncle murdered us all. He spoilt the peaceful life I was enjoying with my parents, and also, he ruined my dream of becoming an artiste in some way. Just like you, all these took place when I was 13 years old residing with my parents in Atlanta".

Simon shook his head a little before inquiring once again, "That greedy uncle of yours, do you have plans of revenging against him?".

"Yeah, I have plans of taking revenge against him, the anger and hatred I am feeling towards him and his family is as hot as a volcano. Before coming back to this city, I traveled to Atlanta to revenge against him for killing me and my parents. I wanna shatter the lives of he and his family, then I'll give them that slow and painful death. But getting to Atlanta, I couldn't come up with a nice plan on how to implement that. As I said, I wanna at least shatter their lives first before killing them, and I want my uncle to know that I am the murderer of him and his family. I wanna do it smoothly, but my head was vacant of a valid plan,

My plan at first was to stay in Atlanta until I come up with a valid plan. But I saw something that made me travel back to Detroit city". James clarified.

"If I may ask, what is that something that made you travel back to this city?".

Then James told Simon about the music audition he had plans of participating in. He told him about the banner he saw in Atlanta that made him travel back to Detroit city. He also informed him that he had filled and submitted the form that made him fully approved to take part in the audition. He was already taking the steps to achieve his dream of becoming an artiste even though he was unsure of his vocals.