Am gonna leave you hanging.

James trekked until he arrived at the boulevard where the audition was gonna take place. He still had the route vivid in his head, that's why he could locate the boulevard without no much stress. He began strolling once again with the main edifice in mind as the destination. Getting to the front of the building, he could see a queue that commenced from the outer part of the building into the inner part...definitely, these are the participants of the audition.

Apart from that, he could sight a woman in red suit with a microphone in her hand and a young man beside her holding a camera. James stood there wondering what their role was to this audition. After standing there for some seconds, he began sauntering towards the purple building so he could join the queue and wait for his turn to audition. He was expecting a queue 'cause the men that gave form to him had already informed him ahead of time.

Arriving at the spot where the woman and the cameraman was standing, the woman stopped him and asked,

"Young boy, are you also gonna be participating in this audition?".

"Yeah, I wanna go join the queue". James responded.

"Oh! that's nice, well, I am interviewing every participant of this audition. And I've got questions for you".

"Go on".

"What made you wanna partake in this audition?".

"Umm, 'cause I love music, and I'll love to take part in anything related to music". James answered.

"How sure are you that you are gonna make it through this audition to the main contest that's gonna take place in Chicago?".

"Hmm, am not sure, all I can say is that I'll try my best. You know, there'll be so many talented singers here".

Then she asked a question that James didn't even know what answer to give her.

"Are your parents aware that you are gonna be participating in this audition?".

"Umm...umm", He'll just have to lie, "Yeah, they are aware of it. I even have their support".

"OK then, go join the queue, you'll have to stand while waiting outside, but once you enter the building, you'll sit down while still waiting for your turn to audition. Wish you the best of luck". The woman said with a smile on her face.

James smiled back at her and began walking to join the queue. The cameraman filmed the whole interview with James, that was his part. James arrived at the queue and stood in the back of the person in front of him. He glanced front to see if he could find the girl that brought him to this place yesterday, but he couldn't find her.

'This is gonna be a long wait'. James thought to himself.

People kept on entering the edifice, but that doesn't mean the queue was reducing. As people were entering, people were adding up in the back causing the queue not to ameliorate. And as people were entering, people were coming out also, those that had auditioned already. Some had happy expressions on their faces, while some had gloomy expressions on their faces.

You should have discerned by now what that means, those that had happy expressions on their faces were the ones that made it through the audition. The ones with gloomy facial expressions didn't make it through the audition, the ones whose performances were rejected by the judges.

The ones that made it through the audition had like a type of ticket in their hands...they call it the golden ticket. That ticket would gain them access into the main contest that's gonna take place in Chicago. James couldn't help but think about how his audition was gonna fare, most likely, his performance was gonna get rejected by the judges.

He was curious to see the faces of the judges, who knows, one of his favorite artistes could be among them. People kept on entering the building as James got closer to the building. Then suddenly, he sighted the girl that brought him to this place yesterday coming out of the building. She wore a happy expression on her face and she was holding the golden ticket in her hand...she got a yes from the judges.

She didn't sight James among the queue as she kept on strolling until James stopped her. The smile on her face widened when she set eyes on James.

"Hey, how you doing?".

"Am doing cool, it's evident, you've auditioned already and you got a yes from the judges, right?". James inquired of her.

"Yeah, I am so happy right now, I wasn't even expecting them to accept my performance. But I knew that I put in my best, and here I am now, I got accepted". The girl said with joy on her face and tone of voice.

"Wow! Congratulation, I'll just have to wait until it gets to my turn to audition to confirm if I'll get accepted or not. I just wanna ask, how does the inner part of this building look like?".

"It's beautiful, you won't see the judges when you enter the building, they are in a smaller room. You'll sit down once you enter while still waiting for your turn to audition. I got here very early, that's why I've auditioned already". The girl explained.

James nodded his head a little and inquired once again, "Who are the judges? Are they truly famous musicians? If they are, reveal them to me".

"They are truly famous musicians, but I won't reveal them to you, I want you to see them yourself. Sorry, am gonna leave you hanging".

"Please, don't leave me hanging". James begged.

"Sorry, I'll have to leave you hanging, as I said, it's best you see them yourself. As the man told us yesterday, they are two males and a female, so that should be the expectation. You'll see one of those men when you enter the building. I wish you the best of luck, I hope we meet in Chicago. Bye".

The girl waved at him before walking away. James wished he could hold her hand and talk with her some more, and he didn't like the fact that she left him hanging. He waited and waited until it got to his turn to enter the building. Stepping foot into the building and glancing around, he then understood why the girl said it was beautiful. It was spacious and there were chairs lined up that led to a certain door in front, the chairs weren't vacant though...people were sitting on them.

There were beautiful designs of the writing 'Shining stars audition' on the tiles wall. The floor of the building was made of tiles also and it was glamorous. Just as the girl said, he saw one of the men that offered a form to him yesterday in the building, his role was to welcome the participants that were entering the building. He sighted James and inquired,

"Young boy, you here already?".

"Yeah, I wish I had come earlier". James retorted.

"Well, you ain't too late though, more people are still gonna come after this, and it would still hold in the next two days to come. I wish you best of luck in the audition, hope you get accepted".


After making that statement, James took his sit at the chair very close to the entrance of the building, that's the only vacant one. Surely, it would most likely take hours before it gets to his turn to audition, the line of people waiting was no small thing. At least, he knew that he had moved from the outer part stage to the inner part.

He was done queuing outside, now, let's say he was waiting for his turn to audition inside the edifice. People kept on entering the door in front of the edifice and coming out of it...surely, that's where the judges were in. And as usual, the people coming out of the door had two expressions on their faces, the ones that were accepted had an elated expression on their faces while the ones that were rejected had gloomy expressions on their faces.

James was tempted to ask the people that had auditioned who were the famous artistes that were acting as judges, but he just kept his cool. People kept on entering the room to audition, and James kept getting closer to the door, it was getting close to his audition. Now that it was getting close to his audition, he was getting really nervous.

What if the judges mock his singing? What if the judges don't give him constructive criticism on how he could improve his vocals and become a better singer? He kept pondering on those questions until it got to his turn to audition.