I can make achieving your dreams easier.

James roamed about on the street in search of Simon, he had been searching for minutes now...but he couldn't find him. From minutes to hours, James strolled about...but he couldn't still find him. He stopped walking and said to himself,

"I think I'll stop here, I've done my best, who knows, maybe he isn't in this city anymore".

He said he was gonna begin searching for a job after he was done searching for Simon, but he began journeying back to the hotel. This was the thinking he used in changing his mind about searching for a job,

'Am gonna search for a job later, there's still time'.

You know, carrying this backpack around wasn't easy stuff for both James and Simon. The only reason why they were keeping up all this while was 'cause the backpack wasn't that heavy...it wasn't light either. James journeyed until he arrived at the front of the hotel, and behold, Simon was sitting on that chair very close to the hotel.

The moment Simon sighted him, he immediately stood up from the chair and strolled over to meet him. By now, that gloomy expression wasn't that evident on his face anymore, but there was still a glimpse of it on his face.

"Where have you been? Like, I just came back from searching around for you". James voiced out.

Simon shook his head a little and uttered, "Men, it's a long story, while strolling about yesterday, I found something related to what I have passion for...football".

"Really?". James asked with an inquisitive facial expression.


"Tell me more about it".

"Let's go sit on that chair". Simon stated pointing to the chair he stood up from.

The both of them sauntered over to the chair and sat on it, then Simon began explaining to James all that happened. How he was walking on the street and noticed the 29 years old footballer entering somewhere. How the boys on the football field started displaying their football skills, how only a few of them were able to impress the footballer and the people watching.

How the footballer permitted him to come on the field to display his football skills and how he impressed them all. He getting accepted to take part in the upcoming football match. Going to the building, the activities that took place there, and how the footballer eliminated him from taking part in the football match...he explained all to James.

James listened attentively to Simon's explanation. Then after Simon was done explaining, he inquired of him.

"So he just eliminated you from taking part in the football match and also called you a big fool? For what reason?".

"Seems like he found out that I lied to him about living with my Aunt currently when I wasn't. But if he truly found out, how did he found out? I've been asking myself that question". Simon expressed.

"So if the footballer didn't remove you from the group of boys that's gonna take part in the football match, you would have left me just like that?". James inquired of Simon, yeah, he wanted to know.

"No, I wouldn't, I planned to come search for you after the climax of the football match, even if am at a higher level at that time. That match could change our lives forever".

"OK then, if you say so, but it's really bad that you were removed from participating in the match. You were so close to achieving your dream, achieving it at an early age of 15". James stated.

"Yeah, it's just so bad, I am sad internally right now. I could have achieved my dream easily at the age of 15 in another person's body. But I wouldn't stop though".

"Yeah, we wouldn't stop, we'll try to achieve our dream together".

Unknown to James and Simon, there was an 18 years old guy standing close to them and listening to all they were saying...he was a scammer. James and Simon noticed when he stood close to them, but they had no single idea that he was listening to their conversation. The guy held a magazine in his hand and his attention was solely fixed on it, but actually, his attention wasn't on that magazine but on what they were saying.

James and Simon took him as a normal harmless boy. He stood close to them reading a magazine, so what? So they didn't bother about him as they kept on discussing.

"So, tell me, how did the audition go? Did you get accepted?". Simon inquired of James, he knew that most likely, he didn't get accepted. If he was accepted, he'll probably not be here.

James replied with a bit of gloomy facial expression, "No, I wasn't accepted, they said that my singing wasn't good enough, I've got lots of improvement to make on my vocals. They gave me constructive criticism, and I really liked it. They told me to go to a music school, and when am done improving my vocals, I can take part in another audition for another music contest. They didn't badmouth my performance and all that. And just so you know, the judges were famous artistes".

"Hmm, that's cool, I like the fact that they didn't badmouth your singing, instead, they gave you constructive criticism. But do you plan on going to a music school anytime soon?". Simon asked James.

"Not yet, there are still other crucial things that need to be done before that, we've discussed it. Like, I need to find a job, the money on me would definitely finish. Then at least, find a small apartment to reside in. After accomplishing that, I can then talk about going to a music school. And I don't even know any music school I can attend". James clarified.

Simon nodded his head a little and uttered, "That's just the fact, and as we've discussed earlier, we gonna achieve all that together, right?".


Then they heard a voice say, "Let me make achieving your dreams easier and faster without stress even at this young age". It was the boy standing beside them that made that statement.

James and Simon glanced at him as he walked closer to them. With an irritated facial expression, Simon questioned him,

"Have you been listening to our conversation?".

"Umm...I wasn't listening, I was hearing". The boy asserted.

"You could have chosen to stop hearing if you had walked farther from us. But you chose to stay close and continue listening to our conversation". James uttered, yeah, he could have easily done that if he wanted to stop hearing their conversation. An indication that he purposely stood there to continue listening to their conversation.

"What has happened has happened, let's leave that aside. But didn't you guys heard what I said?". The boy asked them.

"You said something like helping us to achieve something easily. I don't remember clearly, can you re-echo it?". James inquired.

"I can help you guys achieve your dreams easily without much stress".

James and Simon glanced at themselves and began laughing. Their mindset was, 'What does this guy know about helping people achieve their dreams?'. The boy smiled a little and inquired of them,

"Do you guys think am lying? Do you take me for a fool?".

"Yeah, we know you are lying, and we take you for a fool". Simon retorted still laughing.

The guy's face became serious, it became so serious that James and Simon started contemplating if he could actually do what he was saying.

"Well, you guys shouldn't take me for a fool 'cause I can actually help you guys achieve your dreams even at this age. Don't underestimate me". The boy uttered with that serious expression still plastered to his face, it sounded so convincing.

"How do you plan on doing that?". Simon inquired of him.

"Well, I heard most of you guy's conversation", He pointed at James, "This guy over here loves music and wants to go to a music school, but he isn't that good at singing. He recently went for a music audition and got rejected 'cause of his vocals. So he really wants to go to a music school".

Then he pointed at Simon, "And you love football and want to become a footballer. You recently got selected to take part in an upcoming football match for young ones which I've heard of. But you were removed due to some reasons. Now, I know a music school I can take you to that would help in improving your vocals, and I can introduce you to a coach that would help you achieve your dream of becoming a footballer".

The boy's statement sounded so true that James and Simon were already believing him. They were falling into his trap.