
Alvi: Liam, Liam, Liam, please wake up.

Liam, look! We're in the hospital.

I can save you.

Please don't worry. The doctor will treat you.

You will be fine.

I'm begging you—please wake up.

Don't punish me like this.

Liam, are you hearing me?

I'm talking to you.

Hey, answer me!

I said, open your eyes.

Doctor, please check him.

He's my friend.

Doctor: Please calm down.

We're checking him.

Please wait outside.

Nurse, please come here with me.

Nurse: Yes, doctor.

Alvi: What have I done?

What will I say to Uncle?

Nurse: Excuse me, what is the patient's name?

Where is his family?

Alvi: He's Liam, my friend.

And his fa...

Doctor: Nurse, come inside.

The patient's condition is critical.

Give me the injection.

Quick, quick!

Nurse: Yes, doctor.

Alvi: What happened?

What's going on?

My friend, Liam...

Let me see him.

Nurse: Please wait outside, sir.

(10 minutes later)

Alvi: What is happening inside?

Why are they taking so long?

Doctor: Excuse me.

Alvi: What happened?

Is he alright?

Can I see him?

Doctor: Where is his family?

Please call them.

Alvi: His father is a heart patient, so I didn't call him.

But I will call him later.

Doctor: Okay, then what about other family members?

Alvi: His mother passed away when he was 12,

so he lives alone with his father.

Doctor, please tell me what happened.

He's not just my friend—he's like my brother.

He's family to me.

Doctor: I'm sorry to say, but we couldn't save him.

He's dead.

Alvi: No, no, noooooooooooooo!

This can't be possible.

No, no, I don't believe it!

No, no, aaaah!

(Panting, panting)

Oh my...

It was just a dream.

But it wasn't a lie.

It was my biggest nightmare—

the night I lost him.

Wait, where am I?

This isn't my room.

I can't see anything.

This place is so dark.

Alvi: Hello, hello, can anyone hear me?

Please help me.

I can't see, so please help me out.

Someone, please help me.

Please help me!

Please save me!

Please, heeeeelp!

(Screaming for help)

Why are all of these things happening to me?

Help me, aaah!

What is this?

A light!

Seriously, it's a light!

But where is it coming from?

It's so far away that I can't see it clearly.

I have to run, I have to!

I don't know what this is,

but it could be my last chance to live.

(Alvi starts to run)

Alvi: It looks like a big hole.

And the light is coming through it.

(Panting, panting)

Oh my... No matter how much I run,

I can't get any closer to it.

(Panting, panting)

Stop, I can't.

It's too hard.

Wait a minute...

Now I can see it more clearly.

When I stop running, it comes closer to me.

But when I run, it stays far away.

So, I won't run anymore.

I'll just stay still and wait for it.

Let's see what happens.

(Waiting, waiting)

Alvi: Yeah, it's working!

It's coming closer to me.

Just a little more...

Yes, yes, yes!

Wow, amazing!

I'm inside this hole.

Everything is white...

Everything I see is just white.

But I can't move my body.

If I do, everything will go back to how it was before.

I don't want to go back to that place again.

Alvi: Hello, anyone there?

Hello, hello!

No one is answering.

I hope this isn't just my imagination.

Something is coming towards me...

But what is it?

Alvi: Hmmm...



No, wait, it's not just one or two...

It's hundreds!

No, more than that!

What is this?

Everywhere I look, I see mirrors.

Above my head, beneath my feet,

to my left and right, in front and behind me—

everywhere, just mirrors.

But they're not touching me.

They're coming at me fast,

crossing me quickly.

I'm feeling dizzy.

My vision is blurry...

No, no, no, stop!


(Panting, panting, panting)

It was just a dream...

Oh, I'm so happy!

I'm in my room.

It's already 3 PM.

I didn't even realize when I fell asleep.

I was reading books.

And I'm so wet...

One more thing I've noticed:

Whenever I fall asleep, I have nightmares.