Can You Hear Me, Sarah?

Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler

Sarah and I both are looking at the rings that are spinning around the chair. We find that by walking closer to the chair, the rings stop spinning. We notice the dust all around the room. Sarah starts exploring and so do I. I find a room with a lot of files in. There is one particular file that has a drawing of the chair in and more information on it. I take it and put it into my backpack. I look for Sarah, but I can not find her. As I walk around, I finally get to her ad she is trapped under a table that fell on her. I get her out from under the table and as decide to walk back home. 

Sarah and I walk down the hallway towards the walkie-talking room. On our way, I look at Sarah walking beside me and I tell her;

"So much better walking around and being able to see."

"Yes, it is. I don't have to worry about things that will jump out and eat me around each and every corner."