Struggling To Talk Or Eat

Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler

Stacy and I are walking to find Sarah to give her the bad news of Mother Jenna's passing. I tell her, and she runs away to find out for herself. We run into Randy that tells us Dr. Everett wants everyone to gather at the Meeting Place. Dr. Everett addresses all the people, and it has to do with the passing of Mother Jenna. Dr. Everett tells me in front of everyone that he is giving me two days off to mourn, and Dr. Ethan will be working in my lab.

Dr. Everett shrugs his shoulders while shaking his head as he says;

"I am sorry, Michael. The decision is final."

I get so angry at him, I get up out of my chair and say;

"Excuse me? Who the fuck died and made you boss over me?"

Stacy grabs my arm and tries to pull me down. I look at her and say;

"No, I am not stopping...this needs to be said."