Set Up The Hammock

Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler

I get to Dr. Ivy's room, and she runs up to help me. As Dr. Ivy is cleaning my ear, Stacy goes to get a whiteboard for Dr. Ivy so we can communicate. Stacy confesses that she let her dad into my lab so that he can look through it. I run out of Dr. Ivy's room and head straight to my lab. I blackmail Dr. Everett and Dr. John out of my office, using the nitrogen and an open flame. I chase everyone out of my lab. 

As I am standing in my lab looking at the place ransacked, I start tidying up. They really did leave my lab looking like a mess. Luckily for me, the two assholes didn't find my hiding spot. Otherwise, this day would have turned out with both lying on my lab floor in a pool of blood. 

One good thing about me not being able to hear is not being able to hear Stacy's explanation on why she let this happen. She knows how I feel about her dad, but she still let him in here.