Keep It Professional

Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler

I get a strange vibe from Nora as we're writing in a notebook to one another. I take my food to my lab and eat there. I go to Dr. Ivy's room for her to help me get the medicine into my ears. She wants me to talk about my problems as she can clearly see that I am not happy. I received an envelope, and I read the letter. I open it and see that it has to do with The Day Of The Chosen. The scientists decided that we all will be having The Day Of The Chosen in mid-day. 

I wake up in the early morning, ready to start a new day. As I slide off the hammock, I feel my back, and my neck is so stiff that I can't hardly move freely. Shit, in my younger days, I could sleep in something like this, but definitely not anymore!