Dr. Walters

Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler

Sarah and I see people standing in front of my lab talking. I tell her that we need to go to my room and get something important. When we get there, I see Randy going through my stuff. I walk in, get the backpack and walk out again. Sarah and I run to the rock to get all the equipment to use the chair again. While we are walking down the shaft, Sarah misspeaks, and I find out she's also working for Dr. Everett.

As I am busy processing everything that Sarah is telling me. I shake my head a few times, trying to comprehend what is going on. I look at her and ask;

"So, that is why you brought me here."

Sarah claps her hand as she smiles at me and replies;

"There you go. See, you are already catching up!"

"So, you got me to come here and hopefully get everything working again?