Gazing At Her Legs

Here is what happened last time on The Legends Of The Time Traveler

Nicole and I are talking about the bosses. They want Nicole to hand over her thesis so that she could work on the new project coming in. I try to set her at ease and tell her that we can think about it during dinner. Both Nicole and I feel this strange connection to one another. I get to ride in an elevator, and I hate the experience. The security guard want's my visitor's badge, but I don't have one. Nicole comes up for me, and we leave. Nicole flags down a taxi to take us to her home. 

The driver of the taxi looks in the mirror and asks Nicole;

"Where to lady?"

"Corner of 69th and Lexington, please."

He nods at her and says;

"Will do."

I pinch my nose closed and ask Nicole;

"Is that where the restaurant is?"

She looks at me and replies;