Breakfast in Bed

Kirie pursed her lips together as she incredulously appraised Roxy's demeanor. The officer must've sensed that Roxy was holding something back but couldn't decide on how to extract the confession that might illuminate the motive for this incident. "We'll follow up on what happened at the Cave. The power outages are making getting eyes on that situation difficult." Her eyes met Roxy's for a moment, recognition in her eyes. "Some times, things are just beyond out control." She placed her hand reassuringly over Roxy's. "I'm sorry that this thing has happened to you. I'll call you if I have any more questions."

Roxy returned the smile. Had Kirie assumed that this was something like a incel shooter incident, where Roxy was just an unknowing target of fixation? She supposed that it did look like Richard got jealous over her being with Gunner. She waited for Kirie to withdraw her hand before she rose from her seat. "I will let you know if I can think of anything else. I'm just frazzled right now, it's been a chaotic night."

Kirie rose, gesturing towards the door, walking with Roxy out of the room. "Of course, it's been one of those days. Here's my card, and if you want to talk to someone , I can direct you to a victim advocate. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions."

Roxy accepted the bone white business card, slipping it into her clutch purse with a snap of fasteners. "I will, thank you." She listened to the click on her heels against the smooth tile as she made her way back to the emergency room. A soft buzz of the overhead lights came with an audible flicker as the power tried to switch back over from the emergency generators. The patients had departed, leaving a handful of night nurses and a couple of officers. She looked down at the gash on her hand, stopping in front of the nurse's desk.

The male nurse that had talked to Gunner earlier, Joey looked up at her with dark eyes and blinked. "Oh! We never took care of your hand, come with me and we'll get you fixed up while you wait for Gunner." He escorted her into a treatment room, cleaning up her hand while she sat on edge of a hospital bed. "How long have you known Gunner?" He casually asked, filling the silence with some friendly banter as he worked.

"Since college. I lost track of him for a while but it's good to reconnect with him, you know?" Roxy offered with a smile, not focusing on how her hand stung.

"Yeah. He's a lot of fun. Tonight's been wild." Joey chuckled. "Good news is that you won't need stitches but you'll have to take it easy and keep this clean so it doesn't get infected. Unfortunately, it's the palm of your hand so it might hurt until it heals." He bandaged her hand and stepped away to throw away the packaging trash, his gloves, and wash his hands. "Now that you two are a thing, he no longer has an excuse to avoid going on double dates! We should go out some time, grab a groupon and go to a vineyard to be lushes as a group, what do you think?"

Roxy smiled brightly. "That sounds like fun. Just give Gunner a date and I'll talk him into it."

"Ha. I'll see you later then, take it easy." Joey waved, as Roxy exited the room.

"Roxy! There you are. Ready to go home?" Gunner asked with a grin as he settled his arm around her shoulders.

Roxy leaned into Gunner, feeling light as she beamed up at him. "Of course!"

"Good, we have some unfinished business to attend too," he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.


A trail of discarded clothing led from Gunner's front door, down the hallway into his shower. The entire process of disrobing had been a wild wrestling match of fabric versus the people within them. They were to eager to grab hold of each other to pause longer than a few moments. Their hurried dance pressed into a slippery couping under a stream of hot water and soap before they landed in bed. Too many years of yearning as Ayla and Mannu bled into their memories as Roxy and Gunner. At some point when they intertwined, they stopped seeing each other as they were in this world and saw themselves as they had been. It was Ayla's fingers pressing down against Mannu's stomach as she rode him. It was Mannu's lips devouring and exploring every inch of Ayla's naked, trembling form.

Words melted into moans as the time for talk had dissolved on their tongues for more engaging pursuits. Ayla couldn't get enough of Mannu, urging him deeper until she couldn't breathe without his breath pouring into her. Sunlight illuminated the bedroom through heavy curtains, casting intriguing shadows on the lovers. Warmth built on warmth until it ended in a feverish, explosive climax that left Roxy and Gunner breathless and quaking in each other's embrace.

Roxy woke in a darkened room and an empty bed. There wasn't a clock on the nightstand nor did she remember where she'd discarded her clutch in their passionate whirlwind through the apartment. She stretched, enjoying the softness of the blankets against her bare skin. The space beside her was still warm as she touched Mannu's pillow. Memories of their evening came back in a rush that left Roxy giddy - every caress, every kiss... she wanted more.

The past few days were a hazy dream. It hadn't been that long since Ayla came to this world and joined with Roxy. It seemed like her quest for vengeance was satisfied for now but the bigger threat was still out there. The real puppet master had some influence here if a demon orb had attacked them. It was amazing to find Mannu again. She was reassured that they could do this together. Their first date in this life had been wild. Sure, they'd fought demons, dealt with a crazed gun toting Richard but they'd won. They'd survived and damn, it felt good to be alive.