The three guests were Mr. Cold, Mr. Playful and Mr. Indifferent. Well, those were actually her nicknames for Jaime's three friends.

Tim was Mr. Cold.

(I would be mentioning their names alongside their personalities so we could all easily remember them.)

Cold Tim was always quiet and kept a straight face all the time. Tim was from a really rich family so he didn't need to work before he got everything he needed.

She always thought he was shy which was the reason he was always kept to himself but after getting to know him a bit, he really didn't seem like the shy type to her anymore. When she first met him years back, she actually thought he was mute until she heard him talk one day. He really did love to keep to himself.

Cold Tim hardly shew his interest in anything neither did he have a girlfriend until rumors began to circulate around that he was gay. He was good looking, from a rich background so everyone had expected he would be a flirt or playboy but he was neither of both.

Maybe it was because of the rumours, because he finally got a girlfriend which surprised everyone but she heard from Jaime that they broke up last month after dating for only two months. Sighs!

The second was called Alex, Mr playful. He was the playful one among the group. He always went to parties, had a lot of girlfriends, very chatty and always flirting. He had actually flirted with her a couple of times but she pretended not to notice.

He was from an average family but had a pretty decent job.

The last of the three was Desmond, Mr indifferent. He was nonchalant about everything.

He was neither too playful like Alex nor too cold like Tim.

Paula liked him the most because he behaved more mature and he was cool.

The three of them were about the same age as Jamie but Tim was younger by a year making him 24.

Playful Alex and Indifferent Des had been friends with Jamie since high school, while they met Cold Tim some time after High School.


"Oh God! You didn't by chance tell them I was in town, did you?" Jaime asked Paula immediately he saw them.

"I didn't." She chuckled before stepping down from the car.

"Man!" Indifferent Desmond called.

"I can't believe you came without telling us!" Playful Alex said.

"What a bastard!" Cold Tim muttered.

Paula watched from the side as they 'welcomed' him with punches and slaps.

She would never understand guys and their weird ways.

"Hello Paula, long time no see." Playful Alex greeted her first with a lovely smile.

"And a Merry Christmas." He added before helping her carry the grocery bags she was holding.

"Long time no see indeed. How did you know he was in town?" She asked curiously as they all went in.

"We have our ways." Indifferent Desmond said with a wink as he took the bottle of Whisky from Jaime.

"You were planning to have a party without us, huh?" Playful Alex asked as they all sat down inside the living room.

Paula sent Jaime and apologetic smile. He was supposed to be resting but here he was again. She really pitied him.

Few minutes later, they were all settled with wineglasses in their hands while Paula moved about trying to place the things they've bought in the right places, giving the boys chance to discuss guys' stuffs.

As she walked past the living room, Indifferent Desmond asked, "Should I come help you move some stuff, Paula?"

She looked at him with a smile and said. "It's unfair you guys only ever remember me when Jaime is around."

The boys laughed except for Cold Tim who was going through his phone.

"We couldn't just keep hanging around. You were always busy and we thought you wouldn't be comfortable with our presence." Indifferent Desmond answered.

"And Jaime wouldn't let us." Playful Alex added before smirking at Jaime who nodded in agreement.

When Paula returned inside, the boys continued chatting.

"Paula doesn't change at all. She's been like that for the past 7 years." Indifferent Desmond said in awe.

"I think she gets younger with each passing year. And hotter. Jeez! Is she working out?" Playful Alex asked, turning to look at Jaime.

"She's working out." Cold Tim finally said something.

"How did you know that?" Jaime turned to ask Tim.

"I've seen her a couple of times at the gym." He answered with a shrug.

"Shit! She goes to the gym? And you didn't tell me to register there?" Playful Alex asked Cold Tim.

"You want to stalk her now?" Indifferent Desmond asked Alex.

"Hell, I would! Didn't you see her fine ass? Has she gotten a boyfriend yet?"

"I've told you to stop talking about her like that!" Jaime said to Alex with a displeased frown.

Just then, they heard Paula's voice asking,

"Would you boys like to eat anything?" Paula asked sticking her head out from inside the room to look at them.

"Your pussy would do just fine." Alex muttered under his breath so she wouldn't hear but the boys heard him clearly.

"Disgusting!" Cold Tim turned to scowl at him.

"You know..." Jaime started as he stood up.

"They were just about to leave." Jaime said with a forced smile as he asked his friends to stand up.

He pulled his reluctant friends outside who frowned at Alex for being such a disgusting pervert.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jaime scowled at Alex when they got outside.

"Come on! That was a joke." Alex said defensively.

"That joke was quite expensive dude." Indifferent Desmond said to Alex with a frown.

"And I do not appreciate you joking with her like that. She's not just older than all of us, she's also a mother figure to me. Just get lost!" Jaime said angrily before marching back inside the house.


"Why did they suddenly leave in a hurry? Did something happen?" Paula asked when Jaime returned inside.

"Yea. Something happened. I really should rest now. I'm so fucking tired." Jaime said before stretching.

His eyes fell on the envelope that had been resting on the table so he turned to ask her.

"Isn't this for you?" He picked it up and handed it over to her.

She looked at it for a second before remembering someone had sent it to her but she hadn't opened it yet.

"Oh! It's mine. I totally forgot about it. Thanks"

As Jaime began to walk towards his room, Paula opened the envelope and gasped loudly when she saw the contents inside.