That night, Jaime had a dream. He wondered why he was suddenly seeing Christine in his dream. She had been his first girlfriend during high school and had been the first girl he ever had real sex with. 

Christine was a really hot chick. She led the cheerleaders and naturally, every guy wanted her especially since she behaved slutty and always wore skimpy and revealing outfits. Fortunately, she liked him and they both hit it off. 

Seeing her in his dream wasn't so bad. It had been months since he got laid and he was seriously sexually frustrated and needed relief.

"Hi!" Christine said in her usual slutty voice before walking closer to him while giving him a strip tease. 

He smiled brightly when she got closer and covered his lips with hers allowing their tongues to dance together while she began to touch him all over his body. 

A low groan escaped his lips at the sensation and he became instantly hard.

So hard that he wanted to just bend her over and take her from behind. 

He moved his hands to touch her boobs. He was a boobs man so naturally, he always went there.

Surprisingly, her boobs were larger than the last time he remembered. Christine had small tits but it suddenly felt full in his hands. He enjoyed it so much that he began to knead her boobs and hump her with their clothes still on. He felt her nipples harden under his touch and he moaned sexily into her ears.

Paula's body was frozen in place and her eyes flare wide open.

Jaime was groping her. He was fucking groping her!

She had been startled awake by a nightmare of someone chasing her and found herself being spooned by Jaime. She didn't know when they got into that position but she could tell she had rolled over to where he was and he naturally just cuddled her in his sleep.

It felt nice and warm especially since the weather was really chilly but she knew she had to move away especially when she felt his erection at the crack of her claded ass. He was really hard!

When she tried to slowly move away, he suddenly grabbed her boobs and began to knead it like it was some dough he was trying to make bread out of.

'God this feels so wrong!' She cried.

She could tell he was probably having a wet dream. It was normal with guys anyway so she didn't blame him.

She didn't know whether it would be better to just wake him up or just let him be since she knew it would be more awkward if she woke him up because then, everything would be really awkward between them. 

'Oh Chris!' Jaime moaned as he pressed his hard on against her ass and continued to touch her boobs through her tee shirt.

Paula wasn't wearing a bra. She usually slept without any underwear because it was discomforting so he had real access to her boobs except for her shirt which was standing on the way.

"Oooh..." Paula moaned softly and immediately bit her lower lip in embarrassment. 

This was wrong. So wrong! He was like her son for chrissake! She was supposed to scold him, shout at him and push him away, but the feeling she was getting with him kneading her boobs was just too much. 

It had been a really long time since she had sex— and with a man. 

Her first and only boyfriend was Smith. He was cool at first but she couldn't deal anymore and broke it off. They had sex just once and it was the most lousy and boring experience of her life.

He just pumped and got off without bothering to pleasure her. He was such a stingy prick and she hated ever dating him. 

She wasn't really a sexual person so she hadn't bothered about getting relief somewhere else or hooking up with a random stranger. Maybe her body needed this?

But she wasn't sure hooking up was a wise decision for now. She was being followed and watched so she couldn't do that.

"I'm almost there Chris." Jaime whispered sleepily into her ears and Paula immediately had goosebumps all over. 

This was bad!

'Just wake him up!' A voice in her head screamed. 

'But it's going to be really awkward and he would be too embarrassed when he realises what had happened!' She said to the voice. 

This had never hahappened between them before. It was the first time and she didn't know Jaime to be such a deep sleeper. Maybe it was all happening because he was really tired and stressed out from the trip and movements?

His hands began to slowly slide down from her boobs down to her belly and was going further down, causing Paula to panic. 

'Shit! I have to wake him up.' She finally decided. She didn't want him touching her pussy. She didn't want that at all.

She was just about to tap him when she heard a guttural groan from him and his hand stopped on her hip bone as he thrusted his hips forward.

Then she realized, he had just exploded and she felt it.

His breathing went back to normal after a while and he slept off.