
When Shen Xia got home, her whole body was trembling like a leaf. She quickly ran into the bathroom and hovered over the toilet as her stomach lurched. Although she was making the sound, nothing was coming out but air. Tears rolled down Shen Xia's cheek. She had no idea what was going on with her. She only knew the closer that that young man got to her, the angrier she got. And before she knew it, it was like something had taken over her body, and she was moving all on her own. She could still clearly hear the cracking sound as she crushed the young man's neck with her bare hands. She may be good at fighting, but she was never this strong before.

Shen Xia got up off the bathroom floor and looked at her face. Everything seemed normal as usual, nothing changed, all the same. She looked down at her hands that were trembling and shakingly turned on the faucet. Pump after pump of soap fell into her hands as she pressed on the soap dispenser. She rubbed her hands together, scrubbing every centimeter, desperately trying to get rid of the blood that was now stained on her hands.

The more she scrubbed, the more her tears began to fall. She looked up at the mirror, at the ears on her head, and found them to be disgusting. Ever since she turned into this monster that she saw before her eyes, things had changed. She had changed.

"Ahh!" Shen Xia let out a cry as she broke down. She hated this. She hated herself. She reached over and grabbed the scissors. She looked at herself in the mirror and raised the scissors to one of her black furry ears. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. Right as she was about to close the scissors and cut off that disgusting thing from the top of her head, she heard an angry yell from her side as her hand was firmly grasped.

"What are you doing!?" Zi Shu snatched the scissors out of Shen Xia's hands and looked at her in disbelief. She had just got home and heard her granddaughter cry out in the bathroom. She hurried over to see her trying to chop her own ears off!

"Grandma..." Shen Xia's teary eyes looked at her grandmother. She no longer knew what to do. Her bottom lip quivered as she lowered her head. Her ears also sagging down. "I…. I… I killed someone..."

Her words were soft. So low that unless you were standing very close to her, one would not hear them. But Zi Shu did hear her words. She was stunned at first but quickly reacted as she pulled Shen Xia into her embrace. She now understood. As the elder of the Shen family, she knew a lot about the family bloodline. She knew a lot about what happens to those who inherit the ancient bloodline and knew that someone must have threatened her granddaughter for such a thing to happen.

After raising Shen Xia up to the age of eighteen, she knew her granddaughter did not have it in her to kill someone. The only reasoning would be the new animal instincts that she could not control. This was something she had not thought of this morning. Something she never took into account for. She was now glad her granddaughter had stayed home and did not go to school today, otherwise…. With the way Shen Bai acted towards her granddaughter, the Shen family would have quickly found out about Shen Xia inheriting the pure bloodline of the Shen family.

Zi Shu looked at her granddaughter, whose petite body was trembling like a leaf, and hugged her tightly. She gently ran her hands through her long black hair, trying to calm her down. "Xiaxia, don't be scared. You have to be strong. Your animal instincts will only react to those who mean you harm, so whoever it was was a bad person. Just think of it as killing a bee or spider. But Xiaxia, never ever do what you did today. You may feel like you are now a monster, but to me, you are still my cute and lovable granddaughter. Every inch of you is now your new self. Just by cutting one part off won't change anything except hurting yourself."

Shen Xia started to calm down as she listened to her grandmother's soothing voice. Before she knew it, the happenings of the day and crying for so long started taking a toll on her eyelids as they slowly closed. Zi Shu heard her granddaughter's breathing become steady and looked down at her sleeping face. She let out a sigh of relief. She reached up and caressed the top of Shen Xia's head, gently stroking it. "You will pull through this. Just give it time."

Zi Shu settled Shen Xia into her bed before going back into the living room. She picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Old man, send someone to investigate what happened today around the house. Xiaxia ran into some trouble. Yes, I know, don't worry. I will watch over her."

In an office on the other side of town, an old man sat behind his desk. He sat back in his chair and let out a sigh. It had only been a day, and things were already happening. He had to send his most trusted people to take care of things. As he was lost in thought, a middle aged man barged into the room. "Father, did you get in between the Vorn corporation and me!?"

"Don't you have any manners!? Do you not know how to knock!?" Shen Yi yelled. His son was getting more and more big headed by the day!

"Forget about that! Tell me, did you or did you not get in between the Vorn corporation and me!?" The middle aged man yelled again.

"You! You dare yell at me!? Get out! I do not want to see you!" Shen Yi's chest was heaving up and down, the veins in his forehead were protruding out. His son only knew how to anger him!

"Father! I am being serious here!" The middle aged man was starting to get even more agitated. If this person was not his father, he would have hit him.

"Get out! Don't bother me. I have no control over the company, yet you come yelling at me every time you screw up! Just leave this old man to die in peace!" Shen Yi yelled back. He picked up his paperweight and tossed it at the middle aged man.

"I will take my leave." The middle aged man gritted his teeth and clenched his fists as he turned and left the office.