The Domineering Quan Xinya

"You! Who are you calling cheap!?" Shen Bai yelled out in anger.

"Wow!" Quan Xinya looked at Shen Bai in surprise. She even stepped back and put her hands over her mouth. "Who would have thought that you were so willing to step forward. I did not say who I was talking about."

Shen Bai's face turned bright red as she glared at Quan Xinya. "Quan! Xin! Ya! Don't think just because your grandfather is the principal of this school that you can just do as you please. Don't forget my last name is still Shen!"

"Does your mother know you are cheap? I am sure she wouldn't want to keep a cheap daughter around you to ruin her reputation within the circle." Quan Xinya was not scared at all by Shen Bai's words as she smiled at Shen Bai mockingly.

"Pfftt.." Shen Xia, who had been keeping quiet all this time, could no longer keep her laughter in. Her laugh was like a spring rain as it entered people's ears, cool and refreshing. It immediately caught everyone's attention. Mainly because no one has really heard Shen Xai speak outside being called on by teachers, and only then it is only for a short time. But this was the first time they had ever seen or heard her laugh. When everyone finally looked at her, boys and girls alike were stunned by her beauty. Her smile alone was able to suck everyone in. This was partially due to the effect of her cultivation, causing her skin to be fairer and clear, but the biggest reason was due to her unknowingly enchanting those around her with her innate fox charm. Both factors enhanced each other's effects causing the charm to be stronger than it should have.

Even Quan Xinya was no different as she turned and looked at Shen Xia. "Xiaxia, did anyone ever tell you that you are very beautiful?"

"Wha!?" Shen Xia's cheeks turned bright red. Quan Xinya's words caused her charm to disappear. She was not used to people complimenting her like this. t

Quan Xinya snapped out of her daze and shook her head. From her training, she knew that just now that Shen Xia had charmed all the people around her unknowingly. She couldn't help but shiver at how strong it was, but at the same time, she couldn't help but admire it.

Shen Bai also got caught in a trance due to Shen Xia's laugh, but when she came back to her senses, she grew angry for even thinking that the trash in front of her was even remotely pretty! "Shen Xia, don't forget you are just an unwanted orphaned child who can't even live in the main house. You have to live as a country bumpkin for the rest of your life! You will always be a piece of tr…"


"You! Quan Xinya, who do you think you are!?" Shen Bai covered her cheek as she stared daggers into Quan Sinya. She couldn't believe that this girl would slap her over Shen Xia!

"Who do I think I am? The queen of the world and Xiaxia's best friend! Who are you to even dare say such words about my best friend? What has she ever done to you? If you say another word, I will slap you again. Either let us pass, or I will beat you up here and now." Quan Xinya angrily asked a bunch of questions and then told her that if she spoke, she would be beaten up. This alone was enough to cause the students who had gathered around to watch the show to laugh. What made everything really funny with how domineering Quan Xinya was being. It did not match her doll like appearance one bit!. She was very cute and seemed to be the quiet type. But here she was, standing there like a queen slapping people. Her saying that she was the queen of the world was truly fitting to her current domineering demeanor!

"You!" Shen Bai did not dare say anymore as she stood to the side. She did not want to be beaten up! The slap she received just now was enough to make Shen Bai feel a bit of fear towards Quan Xinya. But because of this, she hated Shen Xia even more. It was because of Shen Xia that she was slapped! She would never let this go!

"Humph! Figured as much. Good dogs know not to stand in the way." Quan Xinya said these final words before grabbing Shen Xia's hand and pulling her along. The two quickly entered the classroom where the form teacher was waiting for them.

"Miss Quan, I have already arranged for you to sit next to Miss Shen." The form teacher, whose name was Haung Shun, said. He was showing Quan Xinya respect due to her grandfather's position.

"Thank you, Mr. Haung!" Quan Xinya replied.

Before Shen Xia could say thanks, Quan Xinya pulled her along. She could only give the teacher a slight nod. Mr. Haung smiled and nodded his head to acknowledge Shen Xia before going back to doing what he was doing.

When Shen Xia sat down, she was surprised to see her desk was completely clean. Normally there would be a lot of mean things written all over her desk. "So Xiaxia, you heard me, right?"

"Huh?" Shen Xia turned to look at Quan Xinya. She was a little out of it due to the sudden events.

"Did you not listen to anything I said earlier! I said~, you, Shen Xia, are my new best friend. We will be besties from now on. So do not hesitate to ask me for anything from now on, okay?" Quan Xinya said with a smile.

Shen Xia, who has had only one friend in her life, was a bit taken aback by Quan Xinya's straightforwardness. But the thought of having another friend, one she could see every day was also something she stopped dreaming about a long time ago. So to have one all of a sudden made Shen Xia smile. She just hoped that this was not all a dream. Not only did Shen Bai get told off and slapped but she also made a new friend. Shen Xia took a deep breath and smiled as she said: "Mmm! If I need anything I will ask you."