Vampires Part 1

"Alright let's go home." Shen Xia smiled. She suddenly realized that having friends was quite amazing. She did have Fei Yan but she was far away now and not always available to talk. In a good mood, Shen Xia took one of Quan Xinya's hands and one of Lilith's hands and pulled them along with her as they left the classroom.

The three girls walked with interlocked arms as they made their way down the busy city street. Quan Xinya took the lead in explaining where all the good spots were around town. "Lilith over there is the best cake shop. Let's go there before heading to your house Xiaxia."

"Huh!? My house… Ummm you may not want to go there, it is not really all that good..." It was not that Shen Xia was embarrassed about her living situation, she just didn't know if they would mind being in such a cramped space.

"Yes, your house! We are having a sleepover tonight at your house! And we will be taking lots of pictures as well. Didn't Shen Bai want to trap you? How can she trap you if you are all over the internet hanging out with us? Lilith you can spend the night right? Your parents won't care?" Quan Xinya had already planned to make it so that Shen Bai could only use certain means to get back at Shen Xia. She was going to use Shen Bai's revenge ploy against her in the most beneficial way. If Shen Bai tried to do something that went against her plans her people would change what was done to work in their favor.

Quan Xinya did not undergo all that training since she was five for no reason. She had been training for days like today going against some of the best out there. All in order to protect the next Shen family member who gained the nine tailed fox bloodline, all in order to protect Shen Xia. Even if Shen Xia did not appear and she never got to meet the one with the nine tailed fox bloodline she would have gained many life skills for her future.

Lilith looked at Quan Xinya in a new light. She had not realized how well trained this girl was. She had even thought ahead to ward off anything that might come her mistress's way. Knowing how faithful Quan Xinya was to Shen Xia, Lilith no longer held any more reluctance towards her. "Mm.. It's fine I live by myself anyway, so staying at a friend's house is much better than going home alone."

"Perfect! Then it is decided! After we get cake, let's stop at the store and get extra food and snacks for tonight. We can not let Madam Shen suffer because we are imposing on her." Quan Xinya took the lead and pulled the girls to the cake shop. Shen Xia who was having everything decided for her could only follow absentmindedly with one thought in mind. 'Was she really going to have a slumber party!?'


"Master Shen Chen seems to be up to something. He seems to be trying to build ties with the ogres. And in order to do that he plans to use Mistress as the deal piece." A man in black reported.

"Oh? Heh. Tell the ogres that they can make a deal with them but…. He has to pass his own wife over in compensation. If he can't do that then no deal." Kable sneered. He dared to try to sell his Fluff Fluff off? He is lucky that he is not draining him of all his blood. He would let his Fluff Fluff grow strong enough to take back everything that belonged to her with her own hands, Shen Chen was just training material for her. But that did not mean some small punishments were not going to be issued. If he truly wants that deal he will put up his wife to be a slave to ogres.

"I will go do that now Master." The man in black replied and was about to disappear when Kable stopped him.

"Wait… It's too nice for his wife to serve the ogres. Tell the ogres that if Shen Chen wants the deal he must give his wife to the goblins instead. Let her produce a new line of goblins. She has no nine tail blood in her so she is nothing more than an outsider anyway. Also, tell the goblin king that if she does arrive that she needs to be shared with the entire goblin clan." A demonic smile formed on Kable's lips. He would not allow those who bother his Fluff Fluff off so easily.

"I will handle it now, Master." The man in black replied, his voice shaky. He knew his master was demonic but this was beyond his normal means. He seemed to want to torture that woman to death. Messing with the future mistress was the same as dancing with death himself.


"Grandma, I'm home!" Shen Xia announced as she walked through the door. She then turned to Quan Xinya and Lilith with red cheeks and said: "As you can see my place is very small..."

"Humph! Who cares! Your home doesn't make the person the person makes the person and Xiaxia, you are a great person. " Quan Xinya said as she took off her shoes.

"What Xinya said is right, a home does not make the person. " Lilith said with a smile as she too took off her shoes.

"Xiaxia your bac…." Zi Shu came out of the kitchen to see two extra people and quickly wiped her hands off on her apron. "Oh dearest me I did not know there was company! Come in, come in. I will prepare more food for you all."

"No need Madam Shen. We picked up extra food so we wouldn't bother you much. We planned to spend the night if that is okay." Quan Xinya spoke up, stopping Zi Shu.

"Nonsense! Why would it bother me? As for staying the night…" Zi Shu scanned the girls. "Her eyes landing on Lilith."

"Grandma, it's fine she's not human." Shen Xia would never have fully agreed to it if she had not met that man before. The scent was distinct and unforgettable. So she knew for a fact that Lilith was the same as him.