Slapped In The Face By Her Own Schemes Part 1

The next morning Shen Xia woke up with Quan Xinya chewing on her tail and Lilith curled up into a ball sleeping next to her. It was the first time in her life that she had friends stay over her house like this. She also had many pictures taken of her with her hat on and tail hidden, of course. All of which were posted to social media on Quan Xinya's account and Lilith's accounts. This was undeniable proof of where she was and what time since everything was time stamped.

Even though they had all this evidence, Shen Xia had no idea what Shen Bai would come up with to make it seem like she was the one who made the posts about Shen Bai yesterday. Shen Bai was dead set on making her the culprit as she lost face for accusing her of making the post with a phone that couldn't even connect to wifi. All she could do was wait and see.

After taking a shower and getting ready, the three girls linked arms and made their way to the school. When they got to the school gates, they were met with a group of students standing in front of a newly erected board. Quan Xinya was curious, so she walked over to one of the girls standing in the crowd and asked: "What's going on?"

"You don't know? Quan Xinya, I highly suggest you stay away from that slut Shen Xia. She is running around town fucking all kin..."


"Say it again! Who are you calling a slut!?" Quan Xinya slapped the girl so hard she fell to the ground, and her face began to swell up. Quan Xinya's face was red with anger at such a rude comment.

"It's true! There are pictures of her roaming the city last night going in and out of hotels!" The girl cried as she held her swollen cheek.

"Quan Xinya, I suggest you see for yourself before hitting people." Shen Bai's voice came from the crowd as she pushed her way through. She looked at Shen Xia and sneered. "Dear cousin, I never knew you had it in you. To think you would sell your body like that, just to get some computer guys to make some post for you. If you are doing such things at night, wouldn't that mean you were the one to slander me after all? I mean, if you are rewarding those men with your body, it is highly likely for you to make a post from their phones or laptops, no?"

"What, she really sold her body to do such things? That is really disgusting. She shouldn't even be a part of our school."

"I know I do not think I can even be in the same class with her anymore."

"I knew I smelt fish the other day when I walked by her."

"Heh….. Hahahaha! Shen Bai, is this the best you can do!? I really have underestimated you!" Quan Xinya let out a laugh.

"Quan Xinya, watch your tongue! The evidence is right there for all to see! I would not have made this public if not for the fact that Shen Xia slandered me yesterday! I do not wish to have people think I am some despicable person. I have every right to defend myself." Shen Bai said in a calm voice. But if one listened closely, you could tell she was restraining herself.

"Oh? So This is me?" Shen Xia finally spoke as she looked at the picture of her holding hands with chubby men going into hotels. "I see the photos are even timed stamped for last night as well..."

"I had to get proof, so I made sure to include the time stamp in the pictures to prove this is what you do every night."

"Really? That's kind of funny." Shen Xia smiled brightly as she let out a soft laugh. Her voice was like a soft melody that calmed everyone around. Shen Xia once again unknowingly let her fox charm slip again, catching everyone's attention and putting them into a daze. Although it only lasted a few seconds, it was enough to calm the crowd.

Quan Xinya shook her head to clear her mind before saying: "Xiaxia is right. It is funny because if you go on my weeboo account and look at the pictures that me, Xiaxia, and Lilith took last night at our slumber party, you will see not only the location of where we were at but the exact time the picture and videos were taken."

Quan Xinya narrowed her eyes as she looked at Shen Bai. "Shen Bai, tell me. Who is the real person in the pictures? She looks mighty happy to be walking hand in hand with those men. But me and Lilth can say for one hundred percent certainty that that was not Shen Xia."

"It's true! On Quan Xinya's weeboo, there are pictures and videos of the three from last night all in the residential area not far from here. The hotel in the picture is three hours away!"

"That means… Shen Bai! Are you really slandering your own cousin!?"

Shen Bai's face paled. She never thought that Quan Xinya would be such good friends with Shen Xia that she would stay at her house! And she had done it last night of all nights! "You guys are lying!"

"Shen Bai, I said it yesterday that I only have this old phone. When things turned out bad for you, and in my favor, you got mad and stormed off. But now, look at you. Can you just leave me alone? Your side of the family has taken everything anyway, so why keep this up?" Shen Xia just wanted to be left alone. She would not care about anything else for the time being. But for now, she wanted peace and quiet so she can cultivate and not be exposed before evolving into a two tailed fox, and Shen Bai was not allowing for that.

"Oh! Look, there is a post on the school forums of the same hotel from last night! But this can't be right, right? The person in these pictures is not Shen Xia but Shen Bai!"

As soon as the words were said, everyone took out their phones and looked at the school forum. Seeing Shen Bai's pale face as she began to sweat made Shen Xia feel pretty good inside. In the years she has suffered due to Shen Bai, the past two days seeing Shen Bai's plans fail one after the other right in front of all the students in school felt like a dream. She felt like she could finally hold her head up high for once. For once, it was not her being ridiculed or being pointed at by the crowd, it was Shen Bai.